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Sunday, December 21, 2014

Second graders stage Ferguson protest during recess

A group of second grade students protesting the deaths of Michael Brown and Eric Garner staged a demonstration outside their Massachusetts school on Friday.

The 20-odd group of students, aged 7 and 8 years old, held signs that read 'Honk if you want justice' and 'Please don't shoot me, Ferguson' and chanted on the sidewalk beside Alma Del Mar Charter School in New Bedford.

The peaceful event was held during 11:30 recess, but one parent – a local police officer – has complained and accused the school of being 'anti-police'.



  1. Nothing but STUPIDITY!!!

  2. Wicomico teachers were told if any students disrupt class with protests, then we are to stop teaching and turn the class over to the protestors so they can explain their feelings. There's to be no disciplinary action for class disruption.

  3. I would have been ticked off if my 2nd grader was told to do this. These kids have no idea about the complexity of the issue.

  4. 8;25 Complexity?? Seem you are mixed up, a thug attacks a store keeper, robs him, then is disorderly to the police, attacks an officer, and gets killed in self defense, end of story. Justified shooting, jury said so, end of story.

  5. 1:36 you are full of crap. I am a wic co teacher and we were not told that. In fact, students were planning a protest last friday and the admin actually did their job and told the students that they could not and stopped it. No school disruption. If you were told this by someone in power please call them out. A blanket statement like the one you made is simply not true.

  6. "Hands up - don't teach"

    As dumb as today's kids are, they must have already been using that chant.

  7. Start dumbing them down at the impressionable age, that's how democratic are made.

  8. The parents of these children would have been the first NOT to go to go to "The Interview" had it been released.They feel safe in the arms of a gubment that incourages this crap,but realize that once they step into,say a theater that has been threatened by an external entity they have no guarantee of safety.Threats and the potential for physical injury are the only things domestics and foreigners understand.

  9. Its one thing if an irresponsible parent wants to bring their child to an unjustified protest but for a teacher to do it with a class is another. First of all I hope they had the parents permission. Secondly, they had better hope and pray that the the children don't get harmed by a radical while doing this.

  10. Teach gonna let 'em protest the NYC cops slaying? Were I super, I'd fire the teacher. How dare they!

  11. 1:36 was correct -- I was told the same thing by the administration two weeks ago.

  12. The teacher would get a beat down if my kid was in that class.

  13. They all should be suspended and the teachers and principals that allowed this should be fired.

  14. The next generation of useful idiots is coming of age early.

  15. Good to know that our public school system is promoting idiocy. So our next generation of protesters will have experience. Were the students taught how to make Molotov's as well during their chemistry classes? Parents should begin protesting the promotion of such things; instead of teaching their kids to follow the heard they should learn that thinking for yourself is an important part of becoming an adult.

  16. Why on earth do you people still send your kids to liberal public schools? When I tell people I send my child to private school,the first words out of their mouth is "we can't afford it",meanwhile they have brand new cars,a boat,ATV's ,etc.They can afford it,its just not a priority.
    Most of a public school teachers day is spent dealing with the "nowhere" students who constantly disrupt classes and cause problems.I call them "nowhere" students because that is exactly what they are.They are going nowhere except jail,prison,or underground.The rape at Parkside last year just solidified my belief that public schools are dangerous and very "dumbed down".


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