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Monday, December 15, 2014

School 'bribes' kids to make them eat Michelle O. lunches

There's only one thing to do when the kids won't eat their vegetables: bribe them.

At least that's what some Colorado schools are doing now that Michelle Obama's Healthy and Hunger Free Kids Act has scared students away from their school lunch programs, according to KUSA.

Jefferson County Public Schools now has a 'Hungry to Win' raffle program, EagNews reports. Each time a student buys a lunch, they are entered in the raffle for a chance to win prizes such as jump ropes, kites, iTunes gift cards, and even bicycles and iPods.



  1. I just know my grandson is starved to death when he gets home from school.

  2. Curious as to what kind of kickbacks the schools are receiving for the increased number of lunches sold to merit such gift giving?

  3. Just because they buy it, doesn't mean they eat it. What a waste.

  4. Now lets see,we have just taught the students thats its OK to take a bribe and their own feelings or thoughts and desires don't mean anything.


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