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Monday, December 08, 2014

Private Volunteers Defended Businesses in Ferguson

As I’ve said before, if there is one thing the Obama Administration can be counted on to do in a crisis, it is to play politics with it. Not solve it, not address it, but use it to further an agenda. The Obama Administration continues to play politics with the Ferguson Affair. If only Ferguson was actually called “Francois” , then it could be called “The Francois Affair” and have a lot more panache. It’d almost sound like a spy movie. But Ferguson is much worse than a mere political volleyball, however. The law has just been demonstrated to be a money-making venture for the government and not a code that serves all people equally.

The government is in a lather because a so-called “right wing Christian militia” defended businesses during and after the Ferguson riots. The government was too busy defending the government to bother with defending homes and businesses, so a citizen militia called the Oath Keepers stepped up and did it. Also, many business owners stood armed guard outside their businesses themselves when they saw the police would not defend their businesses. We now know that the government ordered police in Ferguson to “stand down”, thus making it open season on businesses in the area. Yet the same government is surprised when citizens defend their businesses? The sad part is people pay taxes for the police that were allegedly there to protect property and lives. But now we know those police can be ordered by the government not to do so. What, then, is the return-on-investment to the taxpayer for the legalized protection racket the government extorts money for through taxes? Truthfully, people would have been better off keeping the tax dollars obviously wasted on police and contracting with a private armed security firm or purchasing their own firearms and doing the job themselves. Like the saying goes, if you want a job done right, you’ve got to do it yourself. They would have been better off forming their own militia, or accepting the free services of an existing one. Such as the Oath Keepers. But this is what the government fears most: Becoming irrelevant to the job they say they are best suited to provide.

You can have hundreds of armed police and National Guard on hand, as was the case in Ferguson. But they rely on orders from above to act. If the government, for one reason or another, orders them not to interfere with looters and arsonists, they are useless. You could have ten thousand police officers sitting there on the streets and if they’re ordered to look the other way, you might as well just have a regiment of circus clowns to police the area. Not that there’s necessarily any difference between the two, to be certain. Looters know that. They know that if the police haven’t stopped them so far, the police are being told to keep “hands off”, thus, police cannot act at all until ordered to do so. But something else looters know is that armed citizens are not hamstrung by bureaucrats and official policies written by career tax feeders who can write policy but cannot so much as understand the recipe for boiled water. The police won’t open fire with live ammunition, but business owners will. That’s what makes them effective in protecting their own property. Police might use “non-lethal ammunition”, but business owners won’t. It’s far easier, as a private citizen, to obtain 00 buckshot than beanbag rounds. About as “less lethal” as you’re going to get with a business owner is birdshot. And no looter wants to spend the night having birdshot extracted from his buttocks, one by one, with only 42 more pellets to go after the first painful extraction.



  1. And this surprises who?

  2. I am an Oath Keeper, and live here in Salisbury, MD. I will be here if you need me. Call me on this Blog, and I'/// no, We will show up.


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