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Sunday, December 28, 2014

Police Checkpoints: I'm Not Doing Anything Wrong, But I Definitely Have Something to Worry About

Every year around this time, it just isn’t the holiday season if you don’t end up stuck in a long line of traffic going through a mandatory DUI checkpoint. The cops are looking for people drinking and driving, and this unconstitutional search has been upheld by the Supreme Court.

And every year around this time, when I say it is a violation of my rights, someone chimes in:

“If you aren’t doing anything wrong, you don’t have anything to worry about.”

It’s entirely possible that if I hear this argument one more time this year, I’m going to have something to worry about, because there’s going to be the body in my trunk.

I was involved in a conversation on a thread online about these checkpoints and I was deeply saddened by the dozens of people who think having their rights violated is a wonderful thing. They simply can’t wrap their heads around how very wrong this is, what a slippery slope that we are stepping onto, and how this is an entry into the police state in all its glory.



  1. Decent, lay abiding cops would refuse to work the checkpoint.
    Funny none never do that.

  2. Well said, and very true. These tactics are a clear violation of our rights and are simply a fundraiser for local law enforcement agencies. Since 9-11 we have watched many of our enjoyed rights dissolve in the name of public safety. Yet, it is rarely discussed in the media. We have followed along like the sheep the author of this piece says we are. Misters Adams and Franklin as well as his holiness Richelieu are certainly spinning in their graves.

  3. this individual expects to much from the idiots that most americans have become! I see it every day. shut up and get in line, at the airports and most other places in America where our government has decided to take over our freedoms. MRAP's for civilian police force's? You can give up yours and your children's rights, I however will educate my children and we refuse to give up our rights to the looney left and the government thugs!

  4. First of all grow up and stop crying....the check points have been around for many years....if your not doing anything wrong you roll right through....if your doing something illegal or are wanted or drunk you go to jail and someones life might be saved because of it......same deal at airports ect......stop blowing this out of proportion as its no big deal.

  5. 12:31 will be the first in line for the microchip implant!

  6. Reading this article did nothing to change my view that if you're not drinking and driving you shouldn't be worried. The police hand you a drunk driving flyer and try to smell alcohol in the car. If they don't smell any alcohol, you're on your way. This BS about searching your property is ridiculous.

  7. Welcome to Nazi America check point time and show us your papers!

  8. The Iraqis have a wonderful solution to checkpoints.

  9. "Welcome to Nazi America check point time and show us your papers!"

    What a bunch of drama-queens. You little ladies have nothing better to bitch and whine about?

  10. 4:55 today check points tomorrow stun grenade in your child's face! what a f'n fool you are!
    the government kills people everyday with no due process. but that's not a problem, right?what cave you been living in?

  11. Yeh 755 thats how these check points have evolved.........YOU are truly a moron. ......

  12. 8:45 you are a sheep. if you wake up soon let us know.

  13. "8:45 you are a sheep. if you wake up soon let us know"

    Nice try, 11:05. But YOU are the media-manipulated puppet on this thread.

  14. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    First of all grow up and stop crying....the check points have been around for many years....if your not doing anything wrong you roll right through....if your doing something illegal or are wanted or drunk you go to jail and someones life might be saved because of it......same deal at airports ect......stop blowing this out of proportion as its no big deal.

    December 23, 2014 at 12:31 PM

    I don't recall anything in the constitution about your rights are contingent on your doing anything 'wrong'. In other words, one does not have to prove they are doing nothing wrong to have these rights.

    The authorities on the other hand have to have proof that you are doing something wrong, or about to, in order to attempt to deny you of your rights.

    Lots of things have flip-flopped in our justice system and people who willingly, even enthusiastically, allow and condone such actions are our worse enemies, and their own, but are not aware of what they are doing.

    Depriving others of their rights and due process so you may feel safe is not how it was intended.

    You may think the end justifies the means but those actions have weakened our liberties and switching the burden of proof from the state to the individual. Hence the term, innocent until proven guilty.

    Now we have forfeiture of property, confiscation of property, including money, detainment and other such improprieties based solely on suspicion, or a persons appearance.

    Due process, procedures, rules, etc., are there for a very important purpose. Allowing the police and the courts to sidestep any of these is dangerous and a threat to all of us.

  15. 7:22 Don't waste your breath. The poor have no assets to confiscate and when the debt comes do it'll be that class of people that uphold the tyrants to have their heads under boot from the storm troopers asset confiscation squad.

    Then they'll be screaming for the poor who have nothing to lose to fight back and save them, which will result in our hysterical laughter.

    These people will support the "I have the keys to the bunker so destroy the world movement" until the very end when they realize they aren't on the guest list.

  16. 12:31....you are SO ignorant and conditioned, it's beyond belief.....when, as an innocent person, you are stopped at a Nazi checkpoint (by armed agents of government) to see IF --- IF!!! --- you are committing a crime, does that (in your tiny mind) reach the level of "search"?
    And the Nazi's at those checkpoints are NOT just "smelling for alcohol". The Nazi's now are running your license plates, checking for wants and warrants, inspecting vehicles, and if, by chance, one of these innocent citizens objects to any of this, the real fun begins. Pull over, get out (or YANKED out of your car -- Nazi's hoping you "resist"), get searched ("we smell marijuana"... lol), have the dog claw your car up (they let him climb on the hood so the dog can cause damage (on purpose -- that oughta teach you who's boss, huh, punk??)), keep you there for 15-20 minutes (if its freezing out, all the better), and possibly get beat up for such insolence. These "checkpoints" are now done by local, state, and federal agents, randomly stopping anyone for any reason (and no reason at all) on every highway and Interstate in the country). Under the threat of getting shot for failing to "comply".
    What you fail (so miserably) to appreciate or understand is exactly what 7:22 pointed out to your small, low IQ mind. The slow denigration of our (and your) rights have been occurring for quite a while and its because of people like you.
    READ the Bill of Rights. Learn history. Look up the rise of fascism and the Third Reich and how those citizens CHEERED as their rights were taken away for "their own good". And for "their safety". To "protect" them. EERILY similar, huh? Or mere coincidence??
    Then come back and apologize for thinking that "if you aren't doing anything wrong, then don't worry." You must be the proud recipient of a low class public school indoctrination.
    Keep cheering.
    You are the proverbial frog in hot water.


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