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Saturday, December 06, 2014

Pharrell Williams backs off comments describing Michael Brown as a 'bully' and calls teen's death 'murder'

Pharrell Williams said that 'everyone is heartbroken' there was no grand jury indictment of a white cop over the fatal shooting of a black, unarmed teenager Michael Brown, a week after the musician sparked a heated debate by calling the victim's behavior 'bully-ish'.

The singer said in an interview late on Monday that his perspective on the case hasn't changed since the shooting in August.

'My feelings have been the same since that boy was murdered,' Williams said backstage at The Voice in Los Angeles, where he's a coach. 'Everyone is heartbroken. It's another teen, unarmed teen gunned down.'



  1. He's been threatened.Guaranteed.Why can't people just say nothing to begin with,rather than be forced to change their story?


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