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Friday, December 05, 2014

PBA Blasts ‘Anti-Police Rhetoric’ After Eric Garner Death

Leaders of two police unions had some strong words Tuesday over what they are calling anti-police rhetoric in the wake of the death of Eric Garner last month.

Speaking to reporters in Lower Manhattan, Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association President Pat Lynch discussed what he calls an attitude that says it’s acceptable to resist arrest, and urged officers to be cautious.

“The lack of respect for law enforcement resulting from the slanderous, insulting and unjust manner in which police officers are being portrayed by race baiters, politicians, pundits and even our elected officials,” Lynch said.

Lynch also disputed the medical examiner’s report that said a chokehold killed Garner during his arrest on July 17 and ripped critics who say police target minority communities.

“It is outrageously insulting to all police officers to say that we go out on our streets to choke people of color, as Al Sharpton stated while seated right next to our mayor at City Hall,” Lynch added.

“A cause of death of homicide is purely the way a person died, it’s not a criminal charge, it places no blame on anyone but yet we’re calling for a murder charge,” said Sergeants Benevolent Association President Ed Mullins.

While the NYPD investigates, Officer Daniel Pantaleo, who subdued Garner, has been stripped of his gun and badge and placed on modified duty.



  1. #1 FACT!!!! "slanderous, insulting and unjust manner in which police officers are being portrayed"

    There is no portrayal here. You idiots are conducting business as usual. The only difference is that we now have an unbiased internet that shows us all of it. So we get to decide for ourselves what we feel is offensive. Unfortunately in order to suppress the videos police further trample our rights. Thank God for technology and instant uploading video sites.

  2. It is ones DUTY to resist an unlawful arrest. You jackbooted thug.

    Only thing worse than a kop is a kops' union.

    More protection for their illegal and immoral actions.

  3. 'You jackbooted thug.'

    Dude - you used to be comical, but you're just getting creepy now.

  4. Mr. Lynch the 'lack of respect' you speak of is something you, LE, have done to yourselves. It isn't something that has just popped into existence. You planted it and now it's thriving.
    You dispute the ME's findings., well what the hell else should we expect from those 'above the law'., equality under it?
    You say that it's "..outrageously insulting to all police officers.." that derogatory comments are made by the public when what really should insult LE is that you've allowed your ranks to degenerate into the band of outlaws you are today.

  5. Anonymous said...
    'You jackbooted thug.'

    Dude - you used to be comical, but you're just getting creepy now.

    December 5, 2014 at 6:23 PM

    I don't know which is worse, you thinking that kops behavior is comical or speaking out about kops abuse is creepy.

    Or maybe you are just not mature enough to understand everything that is going on all around you and right in front of your face.

    That's possible. They will always be a certain percentage like that no matter what.

    You may be ignorant of what is going on but at least you're entertained right?


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