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Sunday, December 28, 2014

Painkillers Kill More Than Heroin and Cocaine Combined

Yes, prescription painkillers do in fact take more lives per year than two of the hardest illegal drugs in the nation — surpassing both heroin and cocaine in their total related deaths.

It all has to do with how these prescription pharmaceuticals work in the brain, and how many individuals around the country are easily acquiring them to feed their deadly habits.

Because after all, who said legal drugs were all that different from illegal drugs in many cases?

Prescription painkillers are known to ‘numb’ the pain, which is achieved by their ability to bind to brain receptors and decrease your body’s ability to process pain signals. As a result, it’s easy to enter into this ‘feel good’ state to the point of serious addiction and even physical dependence. Think similarly to a heroin user who needs to inject the drug multiple times a day in order to reach the ‘high’ that they have become accustomed to.



  1. 100% fact! Worst part is that the medical community treats so many patients with meds first...not as a last resort. Thus the unsuspecting patient becomes an addict before they even know the risk! My mother has been there and back .....and it's way worse than hell itself!

  2. Gary said...
    100% fact! Worst part is that the medical community treats so many patients with meds first...not as a last resort. Thus the unsuspecting patient becomes an addict before they even know the risk! My mother has been there and back .....and it's way worse than hell itself!

    December 22, 2014 at 1:13 PM

    Only an idiot with no experience or credentials would claim something is 100% fact. What a stupid moron "Gary" is. Gary where did you get your MD, DO, PharmD or PhD from? I didn't think so! Your mommy told you the facts. LMAO

  3. Statistics. Made to scare and alarm people.
    There are MILLIONS more people taking prescription painkillers than using heroin and cocaine.
    I wonder what the motive is for reporting such BS without painting the entire picture?

  4. Obviously neither 2:13 or 2:20 graduated from HS..... The article posted stated that prescription medications kill more individuals than the two illegal drugs noted. Those are documented facts not numbers pulled out of the thin air. The message seems fairly clear to me....prescription drugs when not taken properly or not monitored correctly.....Can kill as easy if not easier than heroin or cocaine. As to my medical degree or whether or not my statement was based on fact or not? I'll gladly meet you face to face and we can see what you think after that.

    1. Gary you are a retard. I hope you don't think anyone is afraid of big bad Gary. I tell you what you name the place and time and let's see that medical degree. You Wuss!!

  5. There's a big difference between "feel good" and having pain controlled when using pain medications.

  6. Oh no Gary is a tough guy...Hahaha

  7. Dam, glad I didn't give up my heroin or cocaine for painkillers.

  8. Anonymous......guess that says it all. A serious topic that obviously is way beyond your level of conversation. Merry Christmas.....you're not worth the effort.

  9. Pain medication centers that now control all distribution of all "legal narcotics" are overwhelmed and unable to keep up with the pace of how fast this problem has grown. They get you addicted and then have little time to help you get off these medications. Medicine has been taken to a level that requires these pain meds but sadly are not able to control them.


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