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Sunday, December 21, 2014

Michelle Obama: I Was Asked to Take Something Off a Shelf at Target

The Obamas talked with People magazine about dealing with their "own racist experiences," as the magazine described.

Michelle Obama told one story that recently took place, even as she was first lady of the United States.

"I tell this story – I mean, even as the first lady – during that wonderfully publicized trip I took to Target, not highly disguised, the only person who came up to me in the store was a woman who asked me to help her take something off a shelf. Because she didn't see me as the first lady, she saw me as someone who could help her. Those kinds of things happen in life. So it isn't anything new," Michelle Obama, who is 5'11", said.



  1. Awwwww what is she above everyone else.

  2. I have people asking me all the time to grab something off the shelf. I don't work there and I don't cry racism. Get over yourself..you are just another person.

  3. Mrs High and Mighty screw her .

  4. I'm short and have on occasion asked for help with higher objects to save me from retrieving a store ladder. It has nothing to do with racism. It's her bitchy attitude.

  5. oh boo whoo. Anyone with half a brain can look at her circumstance, see that they are both lawyers and Barrack was elected to the highest office in the land (although why is beyond my ken) but really?

  6. I guess she is too good to help a lowly white commoner.

  7. has this country ever had so called elected officials that act like this. this country has gone so far downhill in the last six years. you can complain about bush all you want but at least he and his wife laura had respect for the country and the people they served.

  8. Right. Like the Secret Service let an unknown person approach michelle and ask for her help.
    And instead of thinking "I would be happy to...", michelle sees "racism" and is offended that everyone doesn't bow down to her highness.
    People ask me, on occasion, to help them do the same thing. CLUE: no racism involved.

  9. Racism has not reared its ugly head as much as it has in these last six years. Thank you Obummer's for this!

  10. 2:13 - of them is still a lawyer - they both "voluntarily" gave up their licenses

  11. I have helped several people with reaching to the top shelf for them. And I have also had to ask for someone to get something on a bottom shelf when I hurt my back and could not bend down.

    I never noticed the color of anyone's skin that I helped.

    What is her problem?

  12. Enough already of the racist BS. This bimbo needs a dose of reality. When you reek of ghetto and everything you do and the way you present yourself is common and trashy of course people are going to think you are the hired help.
    It's no different than when Jase Robertson (Duck Dynasty) who looks like a pauper without 2 pennies to rub together was escorted out of an exclusive NYC hotel. He was in the lobby and asked the concierge where the men's room was, and the concierge thought he was a bum and escorted him right out the door and wished him a good day. Jase joked about it on TV.
    He presents himself like a bum so he's treated like one from time to time.
    She presents herself like common trash so she needs to suck it up.

  13. "lmclain said...
    Right. Like the Secret Service let an unknown person approach michelle and ask for her help"

    Exactly! There is a special place in hell for those like her, who lie pathologically to promote an agenda. She's a sorry excuse for a human being and for her information is far far from a First LADY! First Liar is more her speed.

  14. Mrs. Obabma,
    If she had recognized you, she probably wouldn't have asked you to reach that item for her, so you came out ahead in the "doing something for others" department that day.

  15. Check out the length of his/her fingers..michelle is a tranny...and obama is married to it

  16. God i would love to meet that.customer!

  17. She is trash, high and mighty trash, but just the same, trash.

  18. Everything the First Lady does is a scripted,staged photo op. There is no way in hell the Secret Service would allow someone to just walk up on her.

  19. She's a black version of Hillary that is never going away.

  20. Now we know why Al Sharpton has been visiting the White House so often. Everyone needs a mentor.


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