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Sunday, December 21, 2014

Michelle Obama: Asking a stranger for help at the store is racist

Who hasn’t ever been mistaken for an employee of some store or restaurant?

Bad news from Michelle Obama: if you’ve ever asked a stranger for help reaching something at the store, you’re a racist.

from Politico:

Barack and Michelle Obama are sharing their own personal experiences with racial prejudice, saying they’ve been mistaken for valet drivers and Target employees — the latter even occurring during their time at the White House.

“The only person who came up to me in the [Target] store was a woman who asked me to help her take something off a shelf. Because she didn’t see me as the first lady, she saw me as someone who could help her,” Michelle Obama told People magazine, recalling a trip she made to Target, according to excerpts released Wednesday.



  1. That's total BS......she hasn't been in a Target store in the lady six years I'm sure of that! She lies as much as Barry!

  2. I call B.S. on this one. Where were her Secret Service guards. There is no way you can get that close to the first family. Also I guess that the elderly black lady that asked me a middle ages white man to get her something off the grocery store"s top shelf she couldn't reach was racist as well NOT.

  3. Bob Aswell...RealistDecember 19, 2014 at 2:45 PM

    Bob Aswell,
    Why the Hell doesn't Barry and Michelle go on back to the ghetto Hell they came from. They've NEVER in their lives been used to any of the refined things in Life and now everything is racist. Black farmers in the South raised chickens to feed their families and survive after the civil war; She does likewise at the White House. That doesn't seem to be racist because she's doing it. I'm so damed tired of special interest and white bashing I could scream. Asking for help to retrieve and item off the shelf is no more than common courtesy and human interaction. Since those two got to sleep in the White House they've became " Holier than Thou" and taking in consideration the squaler they came from, THEY ARE NOT THE ROYALTY THEY THINK THEY ARE.

  4. I saw her on Letterman. This is just un frikking believable.

    What a prima donna.

  5. I am a short person who always needs something that the store has stocked out of my reach...I anxiously await the first tall person who comes along and ask for help...I only care about their arm length, not their race! Also, I have often mistaken another shopper for staff...usually because they do not have a purse on their arm, a cart, stroller, a coat, etc. Again, this has nothing to do with race. At no time have I been rudely rebuked. I have also been asked if I work there...of course no one ever asks me reach something on a high shelf!

  6. 2:54 I've accidently asked the wrong person for help as well. And you know what? Whenever I walk into a store I hold the door open for whoever is coming in or out - it is the polite thing to do.

    The democraps war on women didn't work and neither will this.

  7. I hold doors for people as well as smile at people while looking them in the eye and saying hello. Guess what demographic almost never says thank you or acknowledges your effort to be polite and guess which demographic almost always says thank you.

    Yeah White people are the problem(sarc)

  8. Anybody trying to get close to her would be "escorted" away before they got within 25 feet. The story is a LIE

  9. The damn clothing she was wearing was so wretched I don't think anybody could've mistaken her for a Target Employee. And is she trying to imply that target only hires black people? Are they slaves? Would it be racist to ask a black Target Employee to help you with something? WTF!

  10. So what, that is the only job she is qualified for.

  11. That's the pot calling the kettle black, no pun intended.

  12. She's a permadoma living in a fantasy world, once out of the whit house she'll return to her ghetto ways and be forgotten about. I'm sure the good black people will be glad too them gone because this couple will go down in the history books as the worst president and first lady in history.

  13. In my 74 years I have been asked to get something off a store top shelf by smaller person several times and glad to do it.
    What is the big deal?

  14. I've helped people in grocery stores who are either in wheelchairs or too short to reach an item on a shelf. Should I consider it discrimination because I am tall and can walk? Maybe because I am christian and feel it is important to help others who are in need?
    Is it sexist if I hold the door for a lady? If so, I guess I am both a racist and a sexist.
    Guilty and proud of it!!!!

  15. The secret service would not have interfered,this I know for a fact. I once owned a store and president Ford's son Jack was coming in, the secret service came in asked us a few questions befor he got there but when he was there the secret service acted as if they were customers. several other customers came and went and never knew who he was.


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