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Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Maryland Gov.-elect Larry Hogan says state agencies should prepare for budget cuts

Maryland Gov.-elect Larry Hogan (R) said Tuesday that he will focus almost exclusively on controlling state spending once he takes office and warned that budget cuts — not tax cuts — are on the immediate horizon.

“People are going to have to brace. We’re not going to be able to pay for every single program that everybody wants or every program that we’d like to have,” Hogan said during a news conference in Annapolis at which he also announced several staff appointments. “We’re in very tight fiscal constraints right now, and we’re going to make very tough decisions, which is what the voters elected me to do.”

Determined not to raise taxes while dealing with lower-than-expected tax revenue, Hogan — who takes office Jan. 21 — said that he will have no choice but to reduce spending. Maryland is expected to collect nearly $1.2 billion less than projected in tax revenue over the two-year period that ends in June 2016. The shortfall has ballooned in recent weeks.



  1. Did the shortfall grow - or did we start to realize Marty's math was a bit off?!

    We elected him to do this very thing! If it takes an extra year or two to get around to repealing the rain, flush, and sales tax increases - we'll be better off in the long run!

  2. This is the breath of fresh air that Maryland has needed for the least 8 years. Finally some common sense in Maryland.

  3. Start with cutting handouts to people who won't work.

  4. all these companies are leaving the state! There is your short fall!

  5. As long as the federal government keeps spending maryland does not have to be business friendly . Most jobs in md are government or contractor related. We need a federal government shut down and maryland will be forced to be more business frinendly to the private sector.

  6. 40% cut across the board would be a good start.
    Same goes for the federal government

  7. My recommendation to Mr. Hogan was a zero balance budget and 30% reduction off the top across the board.

    Make every department head start from the beginning and show why they need what they are asking for.

    Unfortunate, O'Malley/Brown completely screwed Maryland residents and were prepared to raise taxes to balance the shortfalls. They were even borrowing from credit cards.

    Hogan will have a very difficult and unpopular time his first 4 years but this is the ONLY way we will be able to climb out of this mess.

    Hopefully Mr. Hogan takes this course.

  8. Maryland, the richest state of the states.


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