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Thursday, December 04, 2014

Martin O’Malley Nabs Bill de Blasio Campaign Manager As Senior Adviser

Likely Democratic 2016 hopeful Martin O’Malley has added New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio’s campaign manager to his team as a senior adviser as he prepares for a White House run.

It’s the clearest sign that O’Malley is pushing forward with plans for a national campaign despite the challenge likely Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton poses for the rest of the field on the fundraising front.

O’Malley aides said Bill Hyers had been informally advising the outgoing Maryland governor for months, but, with the midterm elections over, is now joining the outgoing Maryland governor’s team on a formal basis.



  1. You would think with 21 states fighting to over turn our BS gun ban and the people clearly rejecting brown in a 2 to 1 state that would have sent this knucklehead a message.

  2. Knucklehead is still going to run on his credentials which are "being more progressive than Obama" as if that was possible.

  3. Communists sticking together

  4. I hope he does run so I can laugh at him some more. Wait till the conservative media dig up his skeletons.

  5. 10:20 You're correct!
    The DeBlasio camp are card carrying members!
    They should face treason charges and be hung. Marty too.

  6. God help us. DeBlasio is a card carrying communist. Thank God our Maryland governor is past history. Now is the time to clean up his mess.

  7. And Anthony Brown will be his chauffeur.

  8. Maybe he will have a job for Rick Pollitt too.


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