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Sunday, December 28, 2014

Inside the push to draft Ben Carson for president

Washington (CNN) -- John Philip Sousa IV has a mission: Convince a retired neurosurgeon with no political experience to run for President -- and then help him win.

Sousa, 67, launched a super PAC last year that has raised millions in an effort to urge Dr. Ben Carson to explore a White House bid. Since the launch, Sousa and his team have proven to be a fundraising powerhouse, raising a whopping $12.2 million from more than 100,000 donors. That even edged out the effort by Hillary Clinton's supporters, who have raised $12.1 million for the "Ready for Hillary" super PAC.

Sousa's group, dubbed the "National Draft Ben Carson for President Campaign Committee," is laying the groundwork for a presidential campaign in early voting states with plans to open a second office in Iowa later this month.

If Sousa's last name sounds familiar, that's because it should. He's the great grandson of John Philip Sousa, the composer known for his patriotic music.



  1. I like Ben Carson but I don't think he's polished enough to deal with the impending attack from the Democrat media.

  2. The one we have now has NO experience. At least Carson is an American.

  3. Dr Carson is a leader, a forward thinker, a visionary and a positive role model for everyone.
    When he was chosen to head the pediatric neurosurgery dept at Hopkins it was unexplored territory so to speak. He put together a team of doctors and other medical professionals that became world renowned and became THE model for other hospitals. His innovation gave so many hope and saved so many lives.
    He knows how to pick the right person for the job and that is the most important job a president has.
    His diplomacy, grace and class are second to none and his message is one all need to pay close attention to and practice.
    He is not a career politician. He is brilliant and he IS a leader.

  4. I don't know what you mean by "polished enough" 9:19.
    His dignity and his class and his pristine very accomplished life will get him through any attacks anyone will throw his way.

  5. If he's in, he'll win.

  6. Sadly I don't think the Republican Elite will accept him on the ticket.
    If he is the candidate he gets my VOTE.

  7. I read his column in the paper every week and I like what he has to say.If he runs he better bone up on foreign policy and be really prepared for the debates.I hope he runs I think he could beat hillary.


  8. Dr. Carson is a man of accomplishment and integrity. Dems have no one to offer, and while Republican bench is deep, he offers some unique skills. Hope his hat gets in the ring!

  9. All nice sentiments but he will never survive the Republican primaries.

  10. The vulgarly rich Republicans have already hand picked their puppet on a string, Jeb Bush. They're scared to death that a Tea Party candidate might win the Republican ticket and then, their control/world wide will be diminished for many years to come, if not indefinitely? Bankers and mega businesses want Jeb. The money behind the scenes for him will make a few million $$$ for Carson or Hillary look like chump change, by comparison. Jeb is guaranteed money in their personal bank accounts! The electoral vote fix is probably already in and the popular vote counts for squat, we're just watching the pretend Republican election nominee, dog and pony show for dummies. Example: Hillary Clinton had the Democrat electoral nod, but behind the scenes George Soros negotiated enough votes away from her and into Obama's camp that she lost by a slim margin. At that time Obama promised to support her when it was her turn to screw our country, if she didn't cause a big fuss regarding the Soros screwing she just took. The dictator Obama has since told Hillary that he will not support her. What the average voter learns is that everything, right up to the last few minutes in politics is crooked business behind the scenes, not politics as average human being think, it's full of liars and manipulators for self gain. The condition of our country today is a prime example, raped by the elected individuals charged with upholding the laws, the principles of justice, the morals of the decent. All a big FAIL.

  11. 10:59 Don't be too sure. The old guard GOP leadership is slowly being replaced with new blood.

    Dr. Carson is accomplished and would do a better job than the community organizer previously elected.

  12. I'm a racist white guy that never voted for obamma, and don't like him. I would vote for Ben Carson all day long. Wait, maybe I'm not racist after all.

  13. The debates will be entertaining and funny if Trump and Carson are on board.Trump won't be able to fire the moderator and Carson won't be in an operating room.Once out of their element they will be like fish out of water.

  14. 1:52 Yeah, and once Barack Hussein Obama was out of his element we all suffered.

  15. This blood bought American citizen, who happens to be a blood bought Christian, would love to see Dr. Ben run for president.

    What a combination, integrity, morals, brilliance, team player, humble and loves his country. Came from very humble beginnings and is a poster child of what this country has to offer.

    I believe he would put people in place that would have the background, integrity and experience he's looking for and employ people that think more like a patriot, a statesman, than a politician.

    As far as the RINO'S are concerned, we must continue to push back their agenda. We have the knowledge and common sense God gave us and with His help, I believe we can win this battle...

  16. What a bout a Ben Carson/Jeb Bush Ticket???

  17. 1126,
    that may be the only possibility, in some arrangement. Jeb is bought and paid for. The rest is grace by God.

    This sucks times 24, but might be somethng,

    Too bad people only vote R/D...

    An In


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