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Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Indiana Woman Wants To Be Laid To Rest With Her German Shepherd. One Problem: The Dog Is Still Alive.

Connie Lay died in late November, leaving behind her dog, a German shepherd.

But the Indiana woman didn’t forget the animal in her will. According to reports, she included a couple of possible options for its future, including one plan to have the dog euthanized and laid to rest with Lay.

“She made provisions that in the event of her death, she wanted her very close friend to take charge of the dog,” Lay’s attorney, Doug Denmure, told Cincinnati’s ABC affiliate WCPO. “… She also then requested that the dog be put to sleep, cremated and that the dog’s ashes be placed with her own ashes.”



  1. So we can kill millions of human babies a year without a blink of the eye (at tax payers expense), but the dog will get his day in court?

  2. You know, it's only fair that any self centered callous human being that expects someone else to kill their pet, after they die, in order to appease some twisted sense of ownership, then the contract should further read, that on the off chance my pet dies first, I too wish to be euthanized and buried with my pet. What's good for the selfish gander is good for the screwed pet. This woman does Not love any animal, she Loves herself. Selfish B****!

  3. I'm with you, 601, 100%!

  4. Don't kill that dog! God works this realm, not us. Let Him do the right thing! That dog has a right to life and will meet up with it's Master if it wants to when it's the last day naturally.

    God runs this show, not us.

  5. 6:01 try reading before ranting. It was ONE of the options, not the only option. This is what happens with poorly written articles and poorly comprehending readers.

    Another option was to send it to a shelter in Utah. The dog apparently has also had some aggressive issues.

    I am middle aged and have an elderly pet. If I die, honestly, I would prefer my dear pet to be euthanized, than go thru being mistreated by someone that does not know her issues and history, or she ends up in a shelter only to be killed anyhow.

    The funds I have put aside are for her care, not you, and rarely are those provisions abided by.
    People are greedy and they figure once you are gone, you are not going to know they killed your dog and took your money, so what's the difference.

    1. I'm 6:01 and just the fact that this selfish being even considered killing a healthy dog says it all. How about you 8:46 try to up your comprehension skills and start at the foundation of her thoughts. Your outcry and your selfish comment 8:46 more clearly defines YOU, not me. You too make the false assumption that the rest of us in this world that love animals would ever consider mistreating any animal, let alone a pet. And I add, anything that you know about an animal can be learned by others. If your pet could speak, they would tell you, their own personal grim reaper, loud and clear, to go the hell ahead and die, but leave me (Mr or Mrs Pet that you falsely claim to care so much about) alone/alive and still breathing. I (your possession that you falsely call a pet) know how to die on my own, I'll call it, leaving it up to my creator. Selfish human beings with small self centered minds, should be making their case to St.Peter regarding the euthanasia of a pet they claim to love, not showing how selfish they are on a comment thread for all the world to read. How do you like those apples 8:46? And before I go 8:46 defense of a helpless animal is NOT a rant, it's a reasonable position taken by those that understand these two words, empathy and compassion which you have confused with self centeredness.

  6. Let the dog live til it passes away then have it cremated then go ahead and blend the ashes together in one jar. This isn't love for that animal, let it enjoy its god given life Please for the sake of humanity and deciency... Selfish

  7. Way to go 6:01!!! oh and also 3:51! love your response!!


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