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Thursday, December 04, 2014


On Thursday, the Huffington Post ran one of its patented subtle headlines regarding the grand jury decision not to indict Officer Daniel Pantaleo in the death of Eric Garner. “HOW TO GET AWAY WITH MURDER,” the website blared, featuring a picture of a police cap. The subheadlines built the sensationalistic case: “2 Non-Indictments in 8 Days…’I Can’t Breathe’…Darren Wilson Goes Free…” Huffington Post then listed other black people killed or abused by police officers: “John Crawford III…Darrien Hunt…Oscar Grant…Amadou Diallo…Ousmane Zongo…Aiyana Stanley-Jones…Many Others…”

First off, whatever you think of the case of Eric Garner, it would be extraordinarily difficult to sustain a murder finding against him. To murder someone, you must have intent to murder; not only isn’t that present in the Garner video, there is no evidence of such intent. As former prosecutor Andy McCarthy put it at National Review today, “Officer Pantaleo plainly did not intend to kill Mr. Garner; he applied force he judged necessary to take Garner down to the ground so Garner could be cuffed. That this ended up killing Garner was unexpected and tragic, not intentional or willful.”

Second, only the most cynically exploitative journalistic outlet would lump together the cases of Eric Garner and Michael Brown. Brown robbed a convenience store, then attacked a police officer, attempted to take his gun, then charged the officer before being shot. Garner yelled at officers and waved his arms about before he was put in a submission hold by an officer and died of a suffocation brought on by combination of heart disease and asthma, not directly by the hold itself.



  1. Any sane person watching that video can see the unnecessary and excessive force used even after he was on the ground. Time to stop the death by cop being perpetrated on black Americans.

  2. I am not ready to conclude that yet 5:58. I prefer to wait until the transcripts from the grand jury proceedings are released.
    What I want to see is if another medical condition contributed to his death and if it's the opinion of med experts that had he been a healthy person, he most likely would not have gone into cardiac arrest.
    I have a problem with the "I can't breathe." I worked for a non profit that catered to inner city, low income, mostly criminal element. We had to call police on many occasions to our facility and people were arrested. I also saw so many arrested on the streets, to even begin to guess the number I saw while working in the city. I won't even try to guess how many times I heard "I can't breathe" or "my arm's broken" or "I'm pregnant (and weren't)" while officers were in the course of the arrest.

  3. I see the government has gotten to Breitbart News and its' current editor, after killing its' former editor a few years ago.

    Kops kill 500+ people a year EVERY YEAR. Kops getting killed? Not so much. A little over a 100 a year, which includes auto accidents, drownings, and other non-violent means. About 1/4 or 25 of those 100 are from the big bad criminal felon they keep warning you about that they are 'protecting' you from.

    The F.B.I. keeps more detailed info on the number of kops killed than the number of people killed by kops. So you can see for yourself whose life is more valued, even though that life is in much less danger than they would like us to believe.

    Anyway, back to this article.

    They injected that the 'choker' was supervised by a BLACK female sgt., who never told the choker to stop choking. So I guess that is supposed to make it all better and allowable since she was the same race as the one who died?

    They are the first I have seen yet to describe the CHOKEHOLD as a SUBMISSION HOLD. And then go on to say that Eric died of suffocation brought on by combination of heart disease and asthma, not directly by the hold itself, ( nor by the 5 or so other kops dog piling on top of him).

    There is also another 7 minute video that anyone can find yet is not shown on the big media outlets. This one shows Eric laying of the sidewalk, handcuffed behind his back, appears dead while the kops and at least one EMT try to play it off like he is still breathing.

    And near the end of this video you can see the kop who did the choking (and apologised to Eric' wife for the choking) WAVING to the camera. Real remorseful there pal. I wouldn't accept your bs apology either.

    Eric' daughter has done an interview about this and says it is not a black or white issue, which I agree to some extent. It is about kops out of control, above the law and little to no accountability.

    There is also Rand Paul blaming politicians and bad laws, such as $5.85 tax on cigarettes that drive them underground and put cops in a bad positition. But that is for a later thread, which brings Maryland's culpability in question since they helped enforce said bad law for New York.

  4. 5:58 You're a fool if you believe that.
    Cops kill as many whites as they do blacks.
    They need to be stopped. Period.
    The "law" won't do anything. So, offended citizen's must defend themselves from the Governments thug syndicate.

  5. 7:49 Of those 500+ people killed every year by cops, how many were armed and were killed because they threatened LE with a weapon?
    It's real easy to toss out numbers and you will always fool the ignorant but you aren't going to pull the wool over my eyes-ever.
    I want the whole story and not just bits and pieces that suit your agenda.
    What I want to know and what I want to know NOW is how many of those who were killed were either standing there with their hands up or were laying on the ground cooperating fully with LE when cops just started shooting and killed them.
    You need to answer this now, or quit with your diatribes that sound like the ramblings of someone who has had a few too many. Learn how to spell too!

  6. 9:53 AM

    actually the 550 is an estimate since NO ONE will ever know how many kops kill. when they do report them, they are under-reported and then some agencies do not report them at all. Nor do they report ANY unjustifyable shootings.

    Now for the rest of your ignorant mutterings you can KYA.

    If you don't know what that means, ask somebody.

    Get off your lazy ass and do your own research and prove me wrong big boy.

    The wool has been over your eyes long before you came here. Now beat it junior.


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