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Sunday, December 28, 2014

His ONLY Wish....Somerset County Sheriff's Office Requests Your Help

It is with a heavy heart that we make this post today. We have learned that one of our own, Deputy Chuck Salvas ( also retired Maryland State Police Sergeant), is terminally ill and only has a very short time left with us. His only wish, to be able to take his family (especially his 6 yr old daughter) on a vacation after the holidays. Simply put, he can't afford to do it. So we, his brothers in law enforcement, want to make this happen. We are pleading for donations from the general public, businesses, civic organizations, fire departments, fraternal organizations and whom ever else would donate to this wonderful cause. We need your help, Chuck and his family need your help. Please make checks or money orders made payable to the Somerset Co. Sheriffs Office c/o Lt. George Nelson. You may put Chuck Salvas Fund in the memo section. Donations can be mailed (30426 Sam Barnes Road Westover, MD 21871) or dropped off at the office. We thank you and beg for your assistance in this effort. Please help us carry out this wish!!! Please pass this on as well.

More information can also be found at the link below.
There has been a GOFUNDME account set up click HERE

Here is a message from Chuck from the GOFUNDME page
 Let me start off saying thank you to everyone reading this right now! My name is Chuck and I have been diagnosed with stage 4 brain cancer. This cancer has changed my life as well as my families life drastically.  I am retired from the  State of Maryland after giving 26 years in law enforcement.  I have a wife and 6 beautiful kids who depend on me and have stood by my side during this hard time in my life.  I have gone through my 3rd surgery recently and I am told that I have 2 months to live. Although my family and I always knew my cancer was terminal and  that they know very little about how to treat my brain cancer it was still the worst news my family could hear at this time.  I would like to take a trip with my family if I am strong  enough, on the first of the year. My youngest daughter is 6 and I want to make as many memories with her as possible. 
 Any money that is left over will go towards my burial and medical bills to help my wife with that burden.  We all go though life not knowing what tomorrow will bring. With that said, hug your loved ones longer and always let them know you love them.  You can't plan for tomorrow to make things right or wish  you  had done more.  Treasure each moment!


  1. Hopefully FOP will honor this request.

  2. No, FOP is only interested in their agenda's of collective bargaining, ie: stealing from the taxpayer

  3. Is there a PBA (police benevolent association) in this area that the LEO's belong to? You would think they would help.

  4. Damn shame how Maryland doesn't take better care of there police officers they need a UNION. OR A BETTER ONE.

  5. Quit your bitching and help this man and his Family out. I'm sure ANYTHING you donate will help in a very big and meaningful way.

  6. So so sad. This man gave his life to public service protecting us. I will be visiting go fund me for him !


  7. I hope that the people who read these posts don't believe all that is written. FOPS from all over the state have given to Chuck and his family; as well as many individuals. It is the aim of all to assist Chuck with his wish. I know that all the money is going directly to Chuck and his family so please remember the season and give. Thank you!!

  8. Lord people who cares where the money is coming from or who gave what ....Reach in Your pocket and give what you can to help this poor soul out,,As Joe said stop bitching and start opening your wallet..a few dollors wont hurt any of us..

  9. Chuck is one of the good guys having known him personally for many years. He has battled this for a long time but brain cancer always wins......i know his children love him and this is just terrible......if you can help in any way I cant think of a better christmas gift for this family.......again he is one of the good guys and way to young to say goodbye to his family. ...


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