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Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Gun owners fear Maryland police target them for traffic stops

A year ago this New Year’s Eve, John Filippidis of Florida was driving south with his family on Interstate 95 when the Maryland Transportation Authority Police pulled over his black Ford Expedition and proceeded to raid it while his twins, wife and daughter looked on — separated in the back seats of different police cruisers.

The officers were searching for Mr. Filippidis‘ Florida-licensed, palm-size Kel-Tec .38 semi-automatic handgun, which he left at home locked in his safe. (Maryland does not recognize handgun permits issued by other states.)

The incident gained national attention. Mr. Filippidis went on multiple radio programs and described in detail how scared and outraged he and his family were. He wondered: How did the police know he was licensed for concealed carry, and what right did they have to search through his personal items on the side of the busy interstate filled with holiday travelers on that 10-degree day?

“My wife’s hysterical, shaking and crying,” Mr. Filippidis recalled in an interview with The Washington Times. “I don’t have a criminal record. I own a business. I’m a family man, and I tried to explain that to [the officer]. But he had a bad attitude, didn’t want to hear my story. He just wanted to find that gun and take me away from my family. That was his goal, but he couldn’t do it, because I didn’t have a gun, like I told him.”

Mr. Filippidis‘ case earned the support of Second Amendment advocates and subsequent apologies from the MDTA. But an internal police review concluded his stop and search were lawful and did not violate police protocols.



  1. Keep cheering sheeple! Praise the ones who will raid you in the night like terrorist. Praise these liberties and rights that have been taken. This mans tags should've never been ran in the first place! Without probable cause ! Oh that's right! We no longer have a 4th amendment right. While you sheeple watched a bunch of foreigners look for a plane.....the supreme Court took away one of your rights in the shadows and without report from the Obama controlled msm!

  2. Sue them sir...and O'Gay O'Malley too

  3. There's an article above this one, You’re Either a Cop or a Peon, that explains exactly why this family was defiled by LE, who is behind these atrocious crimes and why it is happening.


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