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Thursday, December 11, 2014

Fresh agony for James Foley's family as sick ISIS militants 'try to sell them his headless body for $1million'

The family of beheaded American photojournalist James Foley are facing fresh agony after sick Islamic State militants tried to sell them his headless body for $1million, according to a new report by Buzzfeed.

The website spoke to three middlemen trying to broker the deal, who say they can prove the body is Foley's with a DNA swab and will deliver the remains across the Turkish border once the ransom has been paid.

Foley was the first American hostage to be beheaded by an ISIS militant in a graphic video recording this summer. Since August, the terrorist group overtaking large swathes of Syria and Iraq, has beheaded two more Americans and a Briton in similar displays of barbarism.



  1. Sick bastards, every last one of them need to be beheaded.

  2. Didn't we negotiate to get Bowe Bergdahl back by freeing 5 Taliban terrorist. So they pick and chose who lives and who dies?


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