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Saturday, December 13, 2014

Dem Rep: CIA Should Apologize to Terrorists for the Agency's Response to 9/11


  1. Apology to Terrorists? This woman is an idiot.

  2. She is from California. Suddenly I don't feel sorry for the people in CA. dealing with the floods/ fires/ drought. I won't feel all that bad when the big earthquake hits.
    Maybe Arizona can be the new West Coast after the 'big one' hits.

  3. After she apologizes the families of the world trade center jumpers want to host a dinner in her honor. WAF moron.

  4. Just goes to show you that most women shouldn't hold positions of higher authority. Bunch of stupid idiots Feinstein et al.

  5. that just what you could expect from someone from california the land of FRUITS and NUTS

  6. Democrats hate America that's obvious.

  7. I don't know who this twit is but she is also an idiot.., except for just one statement she makes. "..there's an arrogance within the CIA that has to be reigned in..". This I totally agree with.


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