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Saturday, December 13, 2014

Cop-punching protester busted after strolling into police HQ

His fanny pack landed his butt in jail!

A protester who was locked up on a charge of slugging a cop went to Police Headquarters to pick up his fashion accessory — and was promptly rearrested for attacking another officer on an earlier occasion, police sources said Wednesday.

Yotemeli Sayer, 22, allegedly punched a sergeant during a rally at the Staten Island Ferry’s Whitehall Terminal at 8 p.m. Dec. 4 to protest the Eric Garner grand-jury decision, the sources said.

An hour and half later, he allegedly assaulted another cop at a protest on 14th Street near Eighth Avenue and was arrested in that incident.

Cops confiscated his fanny pack before tossing him in a holding cell.



  1. Was he from Commie Salisbury University?

  2. Send him home. Revoke any visa permanently. Banned from returning to the USA. That will solve many problems we have with these types.

    1. We're NOT sending any foreigner home. We are all Liberal Democrats and we NEED those foreign votes in two years. Plus, they are our best hope of anarchy within the borders of the United States, which will then give my worshipful master Obama the legal right to declare Martial Law and then remain as my President and your President, indefinitely. We love conflict, we promote riots, any black death that can be used to race bait other ignorant black Americans into doing exactly what we've planned. Our Liberal Media is our driving force, we OWN them. The King is now on his throne and with our help, he shall remain there forever. We are Liberal Democrats, our ONLY concern is the number of VOTES we get, not the people we pretend to represent.

  3. Pos the cops should have shot him.

  4. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Pos the cops should have shot him.

    December 13, 2014 at 2:51 PM

    oh shut up man.


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