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Friday, December 19, 2014

BREAKING NEWS: FBI officially blames North Korea for Sony hacking

The FBI says it 'now has enough information to conclude that the North Korean government is responsible' for the hacking of Sony computers and the embarrassing email disclosures and online threats that led to the cancellation of the film 'The Interview.'



  1. Why even say it publicly? You've already bent over and allowed that fat dicktator to shut down the movie.

  2. The movie was pretty funny, in a Pineapple Express sort of way... which is what those guys are good at. Nothing to make a huge deal about.

  3. The media is going ape $hit over this to divert attention over the new Cuban crisis.
    You guys better start paying attention!!
    This bull $hit about N, Korea is nothing compared to the Cuban issue that your president has started.

  4. Sony has Waaay too many skeletons in their closet and not a soul has picked up on it.

  5. 4:01-I thought it was funny also,but Seth really needs to lay off of the snuff.In reality foreigners would be highly offended from the get go at the sight of ones' bottom lip puffed out.It offends me that millions of movie goers have never noticed it.

  6. The N Koreans now want a joint investigation. They claim no involvement. We should. We may start to get along. And they may have been set up just to start shit.

  7. It is nearly impossible for them to tell where an attack came from after the fact. I still cant understand how this went from a smear campaign to physical threats. How are they sure these messages are coming from the same people?


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