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Sunday, December 21, 2014

BREAKING NEWS: 1 NYPD officer dead, 1 critically injured after shooting

DEVELOPING: A New York City police officer was killed and a second officer was in critical condition Saturday after they were shot as they sat inside a patrol car.

The attack took place in Brooklyn at around 3 p.m., the New York Daily News reported.

“The perp came out of the houses, walked up behind the car and lit them up,” a high-ranking police official told the Daily News.

An NYPD spokesman confirmed to Fox News that two officers were shot in the incident and were immediately moved to a nearby hospital. Police later told The Associated Press that one of the officers had been pronounced dead.



  1. Interestingly Ford has just announced that their newwst police intercepter line is going to have a monitor system built in. If the officer activates it, he can sit in the car doing paperwork and if someone sneaks up on the car it will lock the doors and alert the officer.

  2. So now are we going to hear of the racial makeup of the folks involved? Where is Al Sharptown?

  3. people are sick of the actions of the police departments. These cops have done something to trigger this. If not is a statement to police departments all over the country.the people have had enough. I hope the local state and federal police can hear the war drums beating!

  4. They both died. I haven't heard anything from the President yet.

  5. The lying liberal Mayor will not be welcome to the funerals as he has been slamming the police. The Mayor supports black thugs.

  6. Let's not for a moment think that a NYC cop is like your normal cop. Especially in Brooklyn of all places.
    They shook down the wrong dudes is my guess.

    1. Read the article in full before you make stupid comments.

  7. 7:19 If the police officers are white and the shooter is black, you will not hear a word from the Muslim.

  8. 6:44 You are an idiot. Why lock the doors when a bullet will penetrate it or the glass. Perhaps you should find a way to get in today's world!

    1. 6:44 idiot here. Please re-read my comment. Did i state anywhere in it my opinion of the value of this new FORD technology? I posted a FACT that FORD is putting it in there cars and thats it. Let me put it to you this way though. You're a cop filling out some TPS report unaware that there is a guy sneaking up on you with a guy. Would you rather know when he is 20 feet away, or not until you see him standing right at your window cocked and aimed? As for "finding a way to get" in this world i think you should find a way to grammer. I bet your fat retard fingers can barely press down the keys on the computer in your moms basement because the keyboard is so crusted with cheeto crumbs and your own drool.

  9. 6:44 Go back to reading your Flash Gordon comic books. Or even Roy Rogers. You must be 125 years old. I have a hand gun that will will fire an armor penetrating shell thru an engine block. Locking the doors is stupid.

  10. 7:10PM

    Your comments are sick! They were just sitting in the vehicle!!!

  11. "Anonymous said...
    people are sick of the actions of the police departments. These cops have done something to trigger this. If not is a statement to police departments all over the country.the people have had enough. I hope the local state and federal police can hear the war drums beating!

    December 20, 2014 at 7:10 PM"

    People aren't sick of cops, the criminals are sick of them because they are criminals. What people are sick of is people like you who haven't a decent bone in your putrid foul body.

  12. While of course ultimately this is the fault of the murderer, Obama, Sharpton and Blasio are as equally to blame. I would take great pleasure in hearing any one or all of them were diagnosed with a fatal illness. Obama's 'persistent sore throat' is giving me hope that he has cancer and will die soon.

  13. This happened in Bed-Stuy area of Brooklyn-a war zone in and of itself. They should pull every cop that's not black out of all these types areas. Let blacks deal with their own savages. Whites shouldn't have to put up with the uncivilized war zones these ghettos have turned into.
    Enough of trying to protect these people and trying to stop their neighborhoods from getting worse.
    Let them rob each other, kill each other, sell drugs whatever but white officers don't deserve to have to deal with the mess blacks have created for themselves.

  14. The shooter said that he was going to take "two out" in place of Eric Gardner. "They took one of ours," he said, "so I'm going to take two of theirs." This is what is in the news anyway. The shooter was black.

    The two shot were minority officers. One was Hispanic and one was Asian. I thought it was white people who they blamed for Eric Gardner. I guess he was in too big of a hurry to notice that.

  15. Blame goes to the family of Eric Garner as well for adding fuel to the fire and having Sharpton come in. They can say what they want now, but it's too late. They are evil wicked people who with Garner's death God was trying to teach them a lesson which fell on deaf ears.
    There is a special place awaiting them in hell right beside Obama and Sharpton.

  16. I hope the local NAACP is happy now. They got what they wanted-dead cops.
    Oh they will claim this was wrong but by them and the others who boldly and without a hint of embarrassment promoted the Hand's Up lie, their sympathies mean nothing. They are proven liars who will never be on the same level as these murdered officers or with people who value the truth. They are the reason racism exists. They show each and every day by their lies which they do publically that blacks shouldn't be trusted.
    I have from time to time praised Ashanti and the local NAACP on this blog, for having some good events for the community but I'll never do it again. The lies they promote will never outweigh any good they can ever do again. Liars have no room to be in any debates about anything.

  17. Open carry in Maryland now !

  18. 1:17
    Did you just bash someone for their "grammer". It's spelled grammar.

  19. I think none of the police officers should go to work for a few days. Let them all have the "flu." Maybe when the projects are overrun by the savages, they will understand. Maybe when the shopping districts are overrun by the savages, they will understand. Maybe when the street corners are overrun by the savages, they will understand. There is a thin blue line between total lawlessness and us. I don't use the term savages to refer only to black people. I use it to refer to any and all who have no respect for authority, no respect for human decency, and no respect for life.

    Do you people really want a country with no laws? You are already working on godlessness. How is that working out for you?

    I see the three stooges have finally spoken out about the officers who were killed. Mr. Sharpton says they have always been for "no violence." That is not what I heard them chanting. It was, "What do we want? Dead cops. When do we want it? Now." Are they satisfied now or do they need more? I guess Mr. Holder won't be sending a special prosecutor as the shooter is dead, but I'm sure he would have if not for that fact. NOT! And then, when looking for a comment from Mr. Obama, I see an article where he says, to paraphrase, that his unique racial make-up lets him see both sides. I have never, since I have been hearing the man talk, heard him identify himself as white. NEVER. But he also cries out against the violence. Sure am glad the three of them could make time to give a comment.

  20. Anonymous said...
    people are sick of the actions of the police departments. These cops have done something to trigger this. If not is a statement to police departments all over the country.the people have had enough. I hope the local state and federal police can hear the war drums beating!

    December 20, 2014 at 7:10 PM

    NO YOU F*N IDIOT OBAMA FUELED THIS ASSASSINATION ON THESE NYPD OFFICERS. And you soft hearted liberal morons who accused the officers in NY and Ferguson of wrongfully killing those two criminals. This is the start of the racial divide and the civil war.

  21. Sorry guys this shooter shot his girlfriend that same morning in Baltimore. He was going away for life so he wanted to make a name for himself or so he posted on social media if was for Garner and Brown. So is that why he shot his Black girlfriend that morning.

    Nope just another thug piece of trash. The liberals are all standing around with nothing to say.

    As for 7:10 and his numerous other ridiculous post he has a demented reason to hates cops. You see his daddy died in jail a total freaking loser. He has done time in jail. He is another lazy piece of shit just like his daddy. Anyone not smart enough to see what Ohbama is doing here and supports it deserves to be dead. They are pushing a civil war. I know where I stand do you.

  22. "I think none of the police officers should go to work for a few days. Let them all have the "flu." Maybe when the projects are overrun by the savages, they will understand."

    I agree. I am so sick of these people. Let them on their own and let them crap up more what they've already made of mess of-their neighborhoods. Let them kill each other. No loss. They aren't fooling a soul when they say 'black lives matter.' Black lives ONLY matter when they can attach a racial agenda to it and that's a fact and if you think otherwise you are a damn fool.


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