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Saturday, December 27, 2014

Bombshell: IRS bashed ‘icky’ tea-party groups

New emails confirm targeting due to political bias

The report from the House Oversight Committee also found the administration colluded with the IRS on both the targeting of conservative groups and the subsequent cover-up.

One email revealed in the report showed an effort within the IRS to deny a conservative organization tax-exempt status because the group gave an agency employee an “icky feeling.”

Employee 1: “It appears that the org is funneling money to other orgs for political purposes. However, I’m not sure we can deny them because, technically, I don’t know that I can deny them simply for donating to another 501(c)(4). . . . Any thoughts or feedback would be greatly appreciated.”

Employee 2: “I think there may be a number of ways to deny them. Let me talk to Sharon [Light] tomorrow about it and get some ideas from her as well. . . . This sounds like a bad org. :/ . . . This org gives me an icky feeling.”

Evidence of such bias was found by the Oversight committee in a treasure trove of material, following a review of 1.3 million pages of documents and 52 transcribed interviews with IRS, Treasury, and Justice Department employees.


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