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Thursday, December 11, 2014

Black Teenager Shoots Newlywed Soldier and Executes His Pregnant Wife… Race Baiters Are Silent

Reportedly showed “no emotion” upon hearing the unanimous guilty verdict from the jury

A black teenager was convicted Tuesday of the murder of a newlywed soldier and his pregnant wife in Colorado.

Meanwhile, Jesse Jackson was in Dallas, Texas, applying his expertise — whatever it is — to the medical care of Ebola victim Thomas Duncan and, not surprisingly, ignoring the Colorado case altogether.

The trial of Macyo Joelle January, 19, lasted 12 days, but the jury deliberated only a few hours before returning the guilty verdict, according to the Daily Mail.



  1. where is Al Sharpton on this?

  2. Where are the white people with backbone?

  3. White the new minority.

  4. Where are the white people standing behind their people? What happened to all that gun talk? I thought this was 'Merica'? Why are white people asking for Al Sharpton and other black people to speak on behalf of the white race? You people are so confused


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