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Sunday, December 21, 2014

After Seven Years We Might Just See Justice For The Sheriff's Department

Eight years ago the Voters of Wicomico County agreed to collective bargaining for the F.O.P. / Sheriffs Department. Along with that commitment, Deputies were encouraged that they'd be covered for pension and disability, something in which former County Executive Rick Politt left out for the time being. 

Seven years later your new County Executive Bob Culver brought forth his commitment to fulfill the Voters choice by bringing this forward to the County Council TODAY. Now let's see IF the Council Members YOU elected finally fulfill their commitment to the Voters and the F.O.P. 

With any real hope we just might see the passage of such legislation today and we can finally put this to rest. Agree with it or not, like it or not, the Voters agreed to such protection through a referendum EIGHT years ago and it's time this Council delivers. 


  1. Give it to them for crying out loud they deserve it.

  2. I should add, I was asked i an interview if I would be as hard on the Republicans as I have been on the Democrats all these years. My reply was, I take endorsements very seriously. IF a candidate gets elected based on their platform and they do NOT fulfill such commitments, yes, I will be all over them just as I was Democrats.

    I should also add, it seems pretty clear to me that IF this Council does not move this forward the F.O.P. will sue the County and ultimately they, (F.O.P.) will win.

    1. The vote wasnt in clear and plain writting . it was snuck into the vote. I believe the right person can help avoid this travesty.look at the fat one,a walking heart condition I don't wanna pay extra for.

  3. Bob Culver needs to craft this agreement to ensure the doors aren't broken down by folks retiring right after implementation.

    Put a vestment clause in it....

    1. There is in fact such a clause...

  4. The sheriff deputies have gotten screwed over by pollitt for to long do whats right bob and show some class.

    1. Yes Bob! Think about your voters. All of them. Not just the few.

  5. is this on today's agenda?

  6. Awesome. To bad they continue to screw the Dept. Of Corrections. Who do you think takes care of all the thugs they lock up? Hands, words and pepper spray. No guns, dogs or Tasers to protect the staff. This should have been combined to benefit both departments.

    1. Thats corrections issue i believe they should carry a firearm off duty, but you need a proper Union to get it.

  7. 11:49 Yeah, as with Murdermore... the dept of corrections do a bang up job!

  8. I believe Executive Culver is a man of integrity Joe. I think the contract will go through for the deputies. As for concerns for a mass exodus there will be none. The contract addresses disability and benefits outside of the retirement scope. I think we have one of the strongest Councils in a long time. I think it will be a good year for Wicomico County and its citizens.

    Time will be the judge but I do have faith in this group. I do not know why I just have a feeling they will be forthright and honest.

    Joe thanks for keeping Wicomico County in the news. Your post do help keep us informed.

    Thank You

    1. I believe in them as well. This out come alone will fix my vote next election. Enough is enough. Veto this council.

  9. The public may have signed this, but they have no idea the ramifications and cost. Unions forget where there came from, it will become all about the $$$$$$$$

    1. That's because the public was duped into voting for one thing while this was in clearly written and hushed. Most voters had no idea they even voted for this! Dirty politics by our dirty past politicians. We have a fine bunch now. I know they won't allow this to happen to us. If anything they'll make it as clear and plain as possible and devote.
      If the deputies and fop feel we voted so strongly for them then what's wrong with another vote? What say you MARTIN FISHER? If you feels so secure in the publics backing have another vote!
      N Fisher

    2. I'll beat you bottom feeders. Yes there is typos. So what. N Fisher.
      I resent another piece with my name Joe. You posted this. Post my other please

  10. If you want to come on here and bash Deputies and or the WCSO, use your name and man up or your comment will be rejected, like some already have.

    1. I have posted plenty. Fisher is my name Joe. I posted those you didn't put up. I'll take the responsibility for them . I'm Marty's nephew. We have caught over this. I have prof he said I'm now a target for standing against it. One cop has already pulled the trigger on me and I'm dealing with it. Lmao. Maryland law states 2/3 pay and all medical of hurt. Between o.t ,court, and god knows how many other bennifits ,most deputies clear 60k a year. Why should we have to pay them more? So deputies like Marty can recover in a casino healing from one ailment while feeding another? No! They must live among their means. This vote wasn't plainly written and was listed with other things. If it was plainly written in the first place ,alone then the fine citizens of wicomico wouldn't have ever passed it.
      It boils down to this. Our sheriffs office isn't comparable to NY Baltimore Los Angeles etc. Our deputies are in poor health and most unfit and when their personal medical problems happen on duty we are stuck paying for their cost of living. After all according to Marty they can't live off of 2/3 of $60,000 a year plus all their medical paid for.

    2. God you have balls! Keep up the good fight!

  11. Please post of upcoming meetings on the matter if any. I have a lot of worries to address.

  12. To 11:41 -- I can't see it on the agenda. Whoever said it would be voted on today doesn't seem to know what he is talking about.

  13. Now to be clear! I in no way a cop hater. My unlce will argue I am. I had a messed up life being put for adoption and passed from boys home to foster home. He is right. I have had a messed up child hood. Made bad choices in my life. I am not a child clueless to society anymore. What I am is an average person who sees what's wrong with our government. The unfair treatment of this counties constituents. This county has been a good old boy county forever. It needs to change. Our government needs to be clear and transparent. No more misleading and hidden clauses in votes.no more this person/s need help so let's bend a little. It needs to stop. Look around folks. Is this what you all want? No it isn't. That's why we've elected who we have. To stop this dead in its tracks.

    1. Straightened yourself up. Good job. Trying to straighten the county,good luck! And yes. Any american who can read the news knows your a target. Keep safe.

  14. Wow ! The council better think on this. I'm not sure there is enough deputies to reelect you guys if you go their way.

  15. 5:06 name the cop you allege targeted you. I know all the deputies and they have no reason to target anyone over this matter. It is being resolved by professionals. I do not believe you know or are related to anyone at the Sheriff's Office.

    1. Trust that I am. My targeting started after I filed a complaint against a deputy for pulling his side arm on me and my family in my yard for no reason. Never heard from Lt Robbins but once. Brushed under the rug. The deputy didn't expect for me to come off my porch while a buddy video taped. When he was told about the camera he went to his SUV and sat there the remainder of the call. Since then I've been targeted by one other deputy. His name will not come out yet . trust when it's time I will let you guys know. Here is the truth ....your deputies are unattended by their handler and if the handler doesn't choose which he wants to do I.e. do his job or keep spot lighting.....trouble lies ahead.

  16. Are you Fisher's nephew that shot into house full of children. Then fled. Was a deserter from the Army. Addicted to oxy. Yea you are a hater been to your house. Go take a pill

    1. Ah here is where all his lies come to play. Get your facts correct. I'm sure you have been to my house. I've called for service plenty of times from people breaking into neighborhoods and to no avail our finest deputies shine a light and refuse to chase the perp 50 ft from them hiding in a field. I was arrested for a shooting yes but your facts are wrong. I was used as a lesson to my uncle from Davis ruark for something they were fueding over. I had nothing to do with it and it was know. However as I said before I made bad choices and the person I was around that night was a bad choice of friend. And while I was serving time for something I didn't do " good old boy system at its best " I was tenativley awol. After my time was served I completed my time in the army. And yes I take medication. I just had back surgery three weeks ago. And another two months prior from being rear ended by a big rig. Is this how you stand for the FOP? Writing about things you know nothing about? Your laughable. Are you going to try to discredit the whole county? Your comments were expected . it is why I already posted what you Marty were gonna try to say to discredit me. I'm honest. I speak the truth. It's obvious from other comments everyone knows your m.o. huff n puff to make yourself look good.
      Yes folks I was a bad person. Almost twenty years ago. I've changed my life. Been blessed by fire companies for chances to redeem myself. Have become a Firefighter EMT. Ive coached little league, tee ball ,helped with the homeless and special needs. That's the person I am today. A productive member of society. I'm no angel. But at least I speak the truth and admit my wrongs. How about the county council doing the same. Admit the wrongs done and work hard to correct them.

    2. Ah here is where all his lies come to play. Get your facts correct. I'm sure you have been to my house. I've called for service plenty of times from people breaking into neighborhoods and to no avail our finest deputies shine a light and refuse to chase the perp 50 ft from them hiding in a field. I was arrested for a shooting yes but your facts are wrong. I was used as a lesson to my uncle from Davis ruark for something they were fueding over. I had nothing to do with it and it was know. However as I said before I made bad choices and the person I was around that night was a bad choice of friend. And while I was serving time for something I didn't do " good old boy system at its best " I was tenativley awol. After my time was served I completed my time in the army. And yes I take medication. I just had back surgery three weeks ago. And another two months prior from being rear ended by a big rig. Is this how you stand for the FOP? Writing about things you know nothing about? Your laughable. Are you going to try to discredit the whole county? Your comments were expected . it is why I already posted what you Marty were gonna try to say to discredit me. I'm honest. I speak the truth. It's obvious from other comments everyone knows your m.o. huff n puff to make yourself look good.
      Yes folks I was a bad person. Almost twenty years ago. I've changed my life. Been blessed by fire companies for chances to redeem myself. Have become a Firefighter EMT. Ive coached little league, tee ball ,helped with the homeless and special needs. That's the person I am today. A productive member of society. I'm no angel. But at least I speak the truth and admit my wrongs. How about the county council doing the same. Admit the wrongs done and work hard to correct them.

    3. LOL he sure is!!

    4. Man ! That dude is far from a pill head. He don't even drink. But he will burn one every once in a while.

    5. Since when does being in a motor vehicle accident with an 18 wheeler and having two back surgeries a pill head? I have known Mr. Fisher for more than 15 years. He has came a long way from a troubled past.. Regardless of what he may HAVE done, he is reformed. He is a hard working, father, and public servant, who has served along side many of the officers now targeting him. Sad we're having a conversation of character while the subject at hand goes unaddressed.

    6. Thank you. I never mentioned I was an officer.

  17. 7:06 I commend your life changes. However, I hear how the deputies bash everyone. They don't care about anything but themselves. I'm not a big supporter of WCSO. I say they need to quit wining since they make more than most of the other county employees.

    1. Thank you. I've worked hard . it's a shame that when someone makes mistakes years ago it comes to light in a situation like this. Lmao like I'm running for office or something. No matter how much they try to paint my picture the fact stays the same. These deputies blasting me remind me of the Obama administration.

  18. this is from 8 years ago. things have changed. there needs to be a new vote if they want to move forward with this.

    and Joe, no one wants to put their real name on here to be retaliated on by the po po or anyone else.

    there are some sick individuals out there. you of all people should know that.

    1. Joe forced my name. But I do it proudly. Of I have to be belittled and put down to get the point across to the people in the county I will. On Sunday when this is one of the biggest topics a lot more people will read it.maybe the whole county will finally realize we've been screwed and stand against it before its to late. I don't care what anybody thinks about me anyways.

  19. I believe the police abuse their power, especially within the county sheriffs office. people are afraid to come forward and be targeted by the people sworn to protect and serve them. We are here bringing up personal lives.into an issue about cops paychecks... let's focus Omg the real bullshit the fact that the power tripping sherifffs office gets paid A LOT of money to bully and abuse our citizens...

  20. The cops in this county and around the state are bullies. Walking around bullying and intimidating people, using their badge as some heightened sense of masculinity to cover up, their low self esteem. The personal lives of the commenting parties isn't relevant to the post, as much as the point that the police already make enough money for what they do. 2/3rds of their pay is adequate to survival. They should be as liable for their survival as every other red blooded American on is injured on their job. Where do cops get off on acting like they're above the average Joe? A tin badge doesn't make you a hero.

  21. What about the other county employees making a lot less?

  22. Joe if that is your real name you are a cop hater period. I don't care who you say you are related to. You all the facts wrong about what the contract states. At least get your facts in order. I do commend you for getting your life together but your argument has no basis. They did not get Leops. It was a inner county agreement. The deputies do not get 2/3 for life neither does any other county employee. That is what they are fighting for. The vote you speak about was by the people of the county not the council or the deputies.

    The bill was on the ballot eight years ago this past election. The people spoke overwhelming in favor of it. Some people still believe in law and order. The deputies did not even ask for anything close to what major departments get. Know the facts dude.

    Also S.P.D., Fruitland, Princess Anne, Worcester County, Hurlock, Dorchester Sheriff's all have Leeops why would you think Wicomico should not have it. Something is Fishy here and it is not the deputies. The Council should have to answer as to why every department around the shore has leeops and Wicomico can not afford it. Come on man you got to admit that is b.s. Good luck stop being a hater. You say you are a paramedic how can you bash your brothers in blue. Where are you a firefighter all the cops and firemen I know are buds. You are way off on this one. Sounds like you have a grudge with the police period.

    1. 2/3 for life is exactly the law. Unless they can return to work just like every other american. Wanna stand out as a good dept in america like lewis is spotlighting? Quit reaching for the police state hand outs and be small town cops like your made out to be.

  23. 8:22 those employees have a right to fight for better conditions at least the F.O.P. had the balls to bring light to a bad situation.

    1. Above it was said the county did it on their own and the FOP had nothing to do with this originally. Now how is that?

  24. Are you the same Joe Fisher that called an African American deputy the n word. Really dude you are a racist coward. You are what is wrong with society today. Everyone at the fire dept knows what you are. They need to deal with you I bet you are using fire house computer to post your b.s. get a job quit being a wannabe fire fighter. I bet you are not a paramedic at all.

    1. Lmao. That incident was over a racist state trooper that was trying to arrest a fire fighter for giving patient care next to his running vehicle claiming it was unattented.That was after the black trooper had said you white boys ain't doing what you want today. I'm working this side of the county. Statten is his name the trooper. And he's never claimed to be a paramedic. Why try to smash this guy? He had the balls to stand with his name proudly. Wanna bash him show some nuts and put your name up? Who's the real coward? Let's see!

    2. Oh and by the way. He uses that word all the time. Black white dog cat truck...and coward he is not. He is one of the few to take a stand against the wrongs of people. Black or white.

    3. I've seen a fire chief and that trooper go at it before. That trooper is the racist one.

  25. F.O.P. had the balls to bring light to a bad situation.

    December 16, 2014 at 8:59 PM

    balls? maybe. GREEDY balls. FOP should be dissolved. all they do is cover up for the bad cops. protect criminal cops and extort money.

    just another obstacle to police accountability.

    1. Amen! All it is is a union! Is that what we want to show here? Unions get what they want? Your fools of you feel we need unions on the shore!

    2. Correct. I am now being told to expect a law suit. Marty called my mother and threatened the suit. Intimidation? Wow. Nobody has told my mommy on me in forever!

  26. I have been informed to expect a law suit from Martin Fisher. I am dead to him now. Wow! What ever happened to blood Marty? This is political. In no way shape or form is this a personal attack. Grow up dude!

  27. Well Joe I just got in and had the opportunity to read your post. I will say this matter is in great hands with the new council. I have nothing but "respect" for each and everyone of them. I have faith in Executive Culver to see this matter through.

    The matter at hand is in fact an agreement reached sometime back that should have been resolved by former Executive Pollitt. As we all know that did not happen. Governor Hogan agrees with collective bargaining and supports it. I had the fortune of meeting with him in July of this year at the Maryland State F.O.P. conference. Governor Hogan made it clear he supported the efforts of the Wicomico County F.O.P. The lodge did in fact endorse then Governor elect Hogan openly at the conference. The F.O.P. also openly endorsed many of the current County Council.

    It has been no secret for the past eight years we have worked with both the council and the execs. office in an attempt to resolve this matter. Today I did attend the County Council Meeting. I did ask that they come to a conclusion by the close of the business day Friday. All the members of the Wicomico County Sheriff's Office have patiently waited and shown nothing but respect for the process. I thank all of those involved and again have the deepest respect for the great task they have taken on as representatives of the great citizens of this county.

    Thank you Mr. Albero for you time and attention in this matter. Stay strong to your convictions as will the Fraternal Order Of Police Lodge 111.

    I strongly feel that when all the facts in this matter come to light many will understand the position of the deputies. There will always be those that try to detract from efforts made by those who serve the public. That is what make this country great. We are all entitled to stand on our beliefs.

    I hope all have a safe and Merry Christmas.

    Marty Fisher
    President F.O.P. Lodge 111

    1. Marty. Why would you threaten a law suit against your own nephew for taking a stand against the matter If we are all entitled to stand on our beliefs ? I see no reason for such action. If you did as such ,shame on you!

  28. 10:43 why are you not at work your post after post has taken away from your point. You are obviously obcessed with the police and Fisher. I think Fish is not reponding to you and Joe has let you have your 50 post for the day. Get a job and get off of the VFD computer. You are a jumkie and a wife beater. I remeber you put on Face Book you were going to burn your house down. You accused my cousin of having an affair with your skank wife. Really dude aint nobody want that but you. You were a punk on the block at wcdc. everybody knows it. You better stop selling that shit to kids in willards. People talking you snitch goes around comes aroung

  29. I am off today I plan on calling every Vol. Fire Dept. in this county. As a member I am embarrassed by this guy. If he is using agency computer to put this stuff up he shpuld be banned. I respect all emergency service workers. This guy obviouly has mental issues or as stated is under the ifluence. What VFD is letting him operate equiptment ???

    D. Myers Eden, Md.

    1. Mr. Myers. I am with no fire company. Save your time. And when I was ,I was good at what I did with lots to learn. I was trained by the best. And if you are so ignorant as to believe all you read against me have at it.
      And to the person speaking of my wife.....I accused your one legged cousin who is the doper. Drinking and poping pills when I knew him. I only accused him of begging and stalking my wife. I also have those messages from him. Would you like to see how your cousin begs for attention from married women? As for the people who say get a job....I was rear ended by a semi returning from work in a company vehicle last may. I hung the iron at umes. And have been hanging iron all over the east coast for years now. That's right. My lazy pill popping dealing beating arsonist crazy racist and whatever else you say is amusing! Everyone has a hater or two. If not than your not doing something in life. Your name calling and focus on me can't change the fact the public isn't happy. I have responded to comments to me. Do you idiots think I've posted all these? Its obvious there is even a cop or two against Marty and his antics with the FOP. I'm not saying it should be a no go. Never have. All i have called for is a new vote. Look at you? Who here lives in a glass house? I'd implore you to post your name? Please do. Yet I'm called a coward?

    2. Damn. Why is it all Joes who try to make a difference on this site have their wives brought into it? Some real classy stuff guys. The guy simply spoke about a political opinion shared by the community. If you want to attack him that's fine. He new it was coming and still spoke. I remember in history class how many men who made the same sacrifices this man had. Its how we have a country today. It's what we claim to fight for with every war. The freedom of speech. Freedom period. The right to stand against government and all its tyranny! His wife hasn't said one word. Why bring her into this?

  30. 12:10 your story just gets worse and worse. Let the real police and fire fighters deal with getting benefits you are a nut case dude. I knew you in willards. You are not a good person unless you have changed a lot. Sad you need rehab Joe. Wish you well Bro.

    1. I can assure you I don't. If anyone here knows me like they say then they would know Ive smoked pot. Hardly drank and ran my ass off for the company. You who say different are just trying to help hide the issue here. I'm am done have at it. I've been called worse by better.

  31. Since when does Fisher's personal life matter to the fact that the collective bargaining issue? I am a neighbors of Mr. Fisher's, many of the suspect dealers in this community, I can assure you he isn't "dealing" here. I am amused that you people are so angered by his opinion that you falsly accuse and throw salt on his name. That is the way of the Eastern Shore though right? If you're not a Pusey, Tilghman, or Twilley, you're a no good drug addict? I bet half of you high and mighty people hiding behind your computer screens have drinking problems yourselves..it is no secret that many of the hypocrite fire fighters at Willard's have responded to calls under the influence of alcohol. Don't throw stones if you live in a glass house.

    1. I said I was done. However this comment while very appreciated needs to be corrected. Never have I ever seen a member at Willards respond intoxicated in any way. The members are extremely professional and pride themselves on hard work and training. This includes myself.

  32. It is common knowledge that Willard's has members who have responded to calls drunk. No need to cover for those hypocritical stone throwers. Companies all over the county know about them

  33. Intimidation? Target? No crap! Our neighborhood has been victim to robberies for months. Cops do nothing. Only here when called. my neighbor voices his opinion and now a sheriffs car is parked down the road with his lights out! Less than a 1/16 th mile from Mr.Fisher's residence.

  34. 6:41 you are a liar. No one is targeting Joey but Joey. He is sick and needs help. Do you think anyone is angry at what he said you are wrong. This is America he is entitled to his beliefs. The problem is his mind damaged by all the unfortunate accidents he has been involved in. A legitimate injury led to a life of addiction. It is sad but happens more then often then not with opiates. He was a great kid with a promising future. God speed Joey.

  35. Joe just got the news F.O.P. will file law suit Monday. Really sucks all the way around. Eight years is really long enough. John Cannon and Joe Holloway were on the council when all this started eight years ago. Wonder what the county has spent in legal fees fighting something the people voted for. I am told the Daily Slime has the figures but were told not to release it. Joe get the figures I would love to see it. Talk about Pollitt's waste. I can not believe Wayne is still around Culver needs to can that guy.

    Good luck deputies hope I am on the the jury if it goes to one. I voted for you then I will do the same now. Pitiful a bunch of politicians do what the heck they want. Also what is Mike doing for this cause. I really want the truth on this to come out. Something just is no right.

    1. Hopefully this will be heard away from the good old boy community.

  36. Joe you hit the nail on the head "Time for this Council to deliver"

  37. Justice will come when Deputy Howard Phillips answers questions in a court room as to why he violated an innocent civilian's constitutional rights.

  38. Joe cool picture what are they doing in the pic. When was it taken.

  39. 5:52 you are a drunken fool. I know who you are. Do yourself and your family a favor get sober. If anyone supports the constitution it is Hal Phillips. You sir are an embarrassment to your profession and family put the bottle down. Seriously.

    1. Every ones a drunk or doper when it comes to being against this . makes you think. Why are anonymous comments trying so hard to make people look bad that are against this. Is this the only way the Leos can discredit a person?

  40. Marty is that big Block Head third from the right with the tie and jacket.

  41. Anonymous said...
    Awesome. To bad they continue to screw the Dept. Of Corrections. Who do you think takes care of all the thugs they lock up? Hands, words and pepper spray. No guns, dogs or Tasers to protect the staff. This should have been combined to benefit both departments.

    December 16, 2014 at 11:49 AM

    Maybe you should have become a deputy instead of a low life baby sitter for the thugs. It was your choice so quit whining!!

  42. Anonymous “December 21, 2014 at 6:05 PM” And you know this because you are God? I’ll drink to that – ha ha ha. I’m glad I got your goat, made for a good laugh this morning! ROTFLOL. I know the type of person you are – ignoramus! Since you probably don’t know what that is, Merriam-Webster defines it as “a person who does not know much : an ignorant or stupid person”. Do you have to read the instructions on how to put on your bullet proof vest so you don’t put it on backwards every morning?

    Help me please… can you direct me to the law in Maryland that makes it a crime to not tell a police officer your name? In Delaware it is found here… Del. Code Ann., Tit. 11, §§1902, 1321(6).

    Because you are uninformed, read this article on (policechiefmagazine.org) … here is a snippet… “The Terry rule has developed quite a bit since 1968, but some aspects remain murky. In particular, if the suspect refuses to give his name or any identifiers, may an officer arrest the suspect? According to the Supreme Court, the police may arrest for failure to identify IF state law criminalizes such behavior.”
    Suspects Who Refuse to Identify Themselves - http://www.policechiefmagazine.org/magazine/index.cfm?fuseaction=display_arch&article_id=1150&issue_id=42007

    I’m serious; I can’t find the Maryland state law that criminalizes refusal to state your name. Go ahead and spew more crap to discredit me.

  43. 9:13 and yet you were found guilty. lol You are the very reason these laws were written. Your are not a soveriengn citizen you are a drunk. I know who you are. I worked at the District Court house with you. Need I say more. Sober up and try to have a nice Christmas. Loooooooooooooser

  44. Anonymous December 22, 2014 at 10:05 AM. Guilty of what? They dropped the charges relating to not telling my name didn’t they? What laws are you referring to? You fail to provide the law I mentioned above. You couldn’t find it? Because you can’t, doesn’t exist. Are you saying any and all drunks are not sovereign citizens? By the way, you misspelled the word. Looks like you are the one that needs to get a life – dumb ass!


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