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Thursday, December 18, 2014

A Washington State University Study Finds That Cops Are 25 Times More Likely To Shoot Unarmed White Suspects Than Black Ones

I don’t put much stock in polls or studies. They can pretty much say whatever you want them to. This one though, is interesting. It sure puts a hole in the whole racial bias meme concerning the police, doesn’t it? Crime is colorblind. Bad people do bad things and cops are there to stop them or deter them. They are trained exhaustively on how to respond in stressful situations. Do they make mistakes? Yep. Are there bad cops? Fewer than you’d think, but yes. Just like there are bad apples in any bunch and those that are bad should be prosecuted like any other criminal. I would say, that given all the politicization over race, cops are more hesitant to take down someone of color and that could end badly for everyone. So, the next time a crime is committed, get all the facts and then you should thank the police for having your back as much as they can.

“Hands up, don’t shoot . . . white people”

Via Policeone:

With the turmoil in Ferguson (MO) the latest example, activists and many reporters would have us believe that police officers are prejudicially “trigger happy” when dealing with black suspects.

But a scientific study from Washington State University-Spokane suggests just the opposite. In truth, according to findings from the research team’s innovative experiments:


1 comment:

  1. Duh....white suspects are 25 times more likely to be unarmed.


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