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Wednesday, December 10, 2014

25,108,000: Record Number Of Foreigners Hold Jobs In U.S.

(CNSNews.com) – The number of foreign-born individuals holding jobs in the United States hit a record high of 25,108,000 in November, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

In its data on foreign-born workers, the BLS does not distinguish between legal immigrants to the United States, who have a legal right to work here, and illegal aliens, who do not.

“The foreign born are those who reside in the United States but who were born outside the country or one of its outlying areas to parents who were not U.S. citizens,” says BLS. “The foreign born include legally-admitted immigrants, refugees, temporary residents such as students and temporary workers, and undocumented immigrants. The survey data, however, do not separately identify the numbers of persons in these categories.” 


  1. I'm expecting backlash from people here simply because they don't understand how many foreigners work in this country. They sure as hell don't work in Salisbury!

  2. 12:46When will the Salisbury residents stop making excuses and step up to the plate? There's a reason this many foreigners are working... they're MOTIVATED and are filing positions of lazy people who would rather claim government money, or drug/criminal money... and most cases... BOTH.

  3. 12:46--
    I disagree. I know of hard-working people that are unemployed of underemployed. They don't even get the chance to apply for some employment before it's given to the hispanics because they work for next to nothing per hr. Most are not paying taxes, as they're being paid under the table, & not supporting the economy, as they send most of their $ home to their family in their country, hence decimating OURS. But it's all good because the employers don't charge any less for their product or services, just keep the extra overhead.
    If you don't think there's a problem, stop in @ TLC dental someday & see how many hispanics are in there that don't speak a word of English. Yet they are getting FREE dental work, while my husband & I both work, most months barely making ends meet, & we have to pay fill price according to their sliding scale, 'cause we just make too much money!! People with your mindset are part of the problem, IMO.

  4. 1:13
    I wish I had an answer. I moved somewhere else on the shore and boy am I glad I did!

  5. I for one was thankful of the eastern european young lady working the taco stand on the O.C. boardwalk this year. WOW, can you say perfect 10?!

  6. it's obvious that all those jobs are just the ones americans don't want to do...

  7. No 2:51. Many are jobs for which Americans are not Qualified to do. I work for a Pharma company in the greater Philadelphia area. In our group, fully half of our PH.D. Level Scientists are not native Americans. They are from India, China, England, Iran and several other countries. Most completed their undergraduate degrees in their home countries and came to the US to complete their Graduate degrees. Why aren't we giving these jobs to Americans? Because there simply aren't enough that have the qualifications we need. I also want to add that it is a pleasure working with all of these folks. You get a bit of a different perspective living and working "off the shore". Although I still call the shore my home.


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