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Wednesday, December 31, 2014

2015 Will Be a Landmark Year for State Tax Reform

While dysfunction and inaction defined the federal government this past year, many states took matters into their own hands and enacted tax reform legislation to increase their economic competiveness.

A recent report by the American Legislative Exchange Council found that 14 states cut taxes in 2014, compared to 18 states the previous year. The states were: Arizona, Florida, Indiana, Kansas, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, and Wisconsin.

Cutting taxes has become a bipartisan priority at the state level. The economic benefits of a simpler, lower, and fairer tax system are clear to both Republicans and Democrats, and states will likely continue to build on their successes.



  1. So, individually, the states get it!
    If we could only wake up the Feds.....

  2. When in the he$$ did Maryland ever cut any taxes in the last 8 years under the O'Malley dictatorship? All I remember is the massive tax increases!

  3. 9:42 - Maryland actually gave a tax break for the TV show...and got a negative return on investment as they contracted the work out to companies in cheaper states.....


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