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Thursday, December 11, 2014

10-year-old boy in jail months after allegedly beating 90-year-old woman to death

A 10-year-old boy who's been in an adult jail since authorities say he fatally beat a 90-year-old woman two months ago is scared, lonely and misses his mother, his public defender said.

The boy, one of the youngest ever to face an adult homicide charge in Pennsylvania, met with family through a glass partition when he was first brought to the county lockup in rural northeastern Pennsylvania. More recently, he was permitted to have physical contact with them, according to the attorney, Scott Bennett.

"So his mom can give him a hug," he said this week.

The beating occurred Oct. 11 at the home of the boy's grandfather, who had been caring for the victim, Helen Novak. The boy became angered when he went into Novak's home to ask her a question and she yelled at him, according to the boy's mother, who brought him to a state police barracks later that day.



  1. He is exactly where he should be and so shoud all 7 of those little punks who beat the 83 year old man. Eye for an eye!

  2. He needs to rot where he is at. I mean come on.... His own parents didn't want him if he could be released. That alone proves to me he is one screwed up kid. I can guarantee he will have only get worse.

  3. Now folks, little Jimal is just a gental boy, why, if Obama had a son...

  4. We are raising a society of children that do not have a conscience and are unable of thinking one second ahead of their next deed. This makes me think of the 89 yr old who was beaten on College Avenue. What to do? What to do? I think it would be a mistake to let him out to kill again. So sad.

  5. He's ten years old. He does not need to be in a situation here he can be raped or killed.


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