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Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Worcester School Calls On Therapy Dog To Help With Student Communication

BERLIN – Many of the children at Cedar Chapel Special School have trouble communicating.

Some don’t speak. Others have trouble forming sentences.

So when Principal Belinda Gulyas heard one child ask distinctly, in a complete sentence, to pet the school’s therapy dog, she was blown away.

“It was kind of magical at that moment,” she said.

Murphy, a six-year-old Bernese Mountain Dog, is now a regular visitor at Cedar Chapel. All of the school’s students have been introduced to him and get to work with him throughout the year.



  1. Lorraine Truitt, Horse Lovers United, Inc.November 18, 2014 at 11:34 AM

    There are so many animals providing therapy to people of all ages. I hope more people will become aware of this.

  2. Mr. Seal used to bring Murphy and Zeke to Pinehurst at least three times a week. While I am excited to have the boys providing therapy to others who need it, I am saddend they have to go so far. Why no more Pinehurst?


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