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Wednesday, November 05, 2014

When Democrats Lose Elections the Media Push to Annihilate the Constitution

Although I have no idea what will happen tonight, based on the insane, anti-Constitutional, and un-American proposals being floated by the New York Times, Vox.com, and CNN, I do know what the media believe will happen: a historic shellacking is in store for Democrats and President Obama.

How else to explain why the New York Times wants to forever cancel the midterm election. You read that right, cancel them. Outright. According to the Times, midterm elections no longer make sense. The problem is that the midterm electorate "has been whiter, wealthier, older and more educated than during presidential elections."

Mind you, no one is stopping the non-white, non-old, or non-educated (i.e., Democrats) from voting in midterms. There is no law against Democrats voting (except for that pesky citizenship stuff). The only problem, according to our media overlords, is that voting every two years is something conservative-leaning voters are more willing to do than Democrats.

The answer to this hideous crisis, obviously, is to rewrite the Constitution so that voting is more convenient for Democrats -- meaning you only have to make that arduous journey to the polling place once every 4 years instead of 2. The way to do this is easy: Congressional terms become 4 years instead of 2, and Senate terms move from 6 to 4 or 8.


Voila! Democracy is fixed.



  1. Fried chicken is being served in the whitehouse as a celebration .

  2. Our Framers saw times like these; they lived them too...

    That is why the Constitution is so important....

    We need to BOYCOTT those newspapers and magazines...

  3. This method makes more sense..prevents domminence of one party ..if the voters say so and decide. Also.distributes power more evenly

  4. I have a better idea, continue holding mid term election. Repeal the 17th amendment.


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