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Wednesday, November 19, 2014

What Democrat Mary Landrieu fights for

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"I'm fighting for small businesses.
I'm not fighting for big oil."
-- Mary Landrieu

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"Science will tell us what
we need to do."
-- Mary Landrieu
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Today's protest at Landrieu’s East Capitol Street home
in D.C. includes a mock black plastic pipeline.

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"If she wants this pipeline so badly, it can go through
her front yard and not any one of ours."

See video here:

1 comment:

  1. It's interesting that the vote was only scheduled by Harry to save her political @$$....and then her coworkers (even one more) wouldn't come to her aid!

    After the new electees are sworn in, we'll see more bills actually get to the POSOTUS desk - and he'll veto them...and prove that it wasn't just Harry!


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