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Saturday, November 01, 2014

Today's Survey Question 11-1-14

Do TV commercials influence your vote?


  1. No!!

    No they don't because they are a pathetic attempt at swaying a voter with lies.

    Norman Conway's video has a written statement say "Cut wasteful government spending." Norman Conway has never done anything to cut wasteful government spending, but he knows that is what the conservatives want you to hear.

    Jim Mathias says he built Bennett Middle School. LIAR. He had nothing to do with the fight to get the new Bennett Middle School built.

    Jim also used his ex wife's death for the sympathy vote and his little darlings played along with it saying "their daddy passed a bill." No darlings your daddy can't pass a bill he can only vote on it. The kids lie just as much as he does. Now back to ex wife. What about the numerous affairs he had with the woman in the condo. What about the romantic dinners in Annapolis with his young stud Josh Hastings. YUK!! I can't believe I even said that without losing my breakfast. Yes that is the truth and I saw it with my own eyes. Why do you think Josh Hastings worked so hard to get Jim Mathias elected? Not because they were buddy Democrats!


  2. Nope.

    If OweMathias and OweConway weren't deservedly way behind we wouldn't see any more of them than their usual low-profile 'tell me how to vote OweMalley' behaviors. What transparent, insincere hogwash their TV and mail offerings are!!

    Have seen very little OweBrown efforts; must have written off the Shore.

    Oust all the Democrats!!

  3. No political commercial influences my vote. IMO, commercials and ads are full of half truths and twisted words - both for themselves or against their opponent. I am a registered Republican but do not vote a straight party line.

    IMO debates with candidates are very beneficial. Media comparisons of the candidates and the investigation of rumors by MSM have enlightened me. Knocks on my door are appreciated too.

    I find letters to the editors, MSM or any other source who write of why they support a candidate not much help, as is expected, they paint rosy pictures of those who they support. My conclusion might well be different but I see no need to speak evil of them for their choices. How we vote is our choice and no one should be made to feel like low class trash for daring to vote against your opinion .

    The 2 to 4 years after the election will tell if our voting decisions were wise ones. IMO, no one knows in advance if our chosen candidates will deliver their promises. Will Rogers said "You’ve got to admit that each party is worse than the other. The one that’s out always looks the best."

  4. No, but I do get to hear a little of what a candidate has to say. Still have to do your homework, unless you live in Somerset county then you vote for who you know or against anyone who you aren't related to or went to school with.

  5. Actually, yes. But not in the way intended. When I listen to the outright lies spewed by some of the incumbents, I'm even further motivated to vote against them.

  6. No. And neither do the flyers. They go from the mail box to the recycle bin.

  7. 11:52 AM Perhaps, since you believe yourself the authority, you should take away Somerset County's freedom to vote. Surely such inbred low class trash does not deserve the privilege.

  8. NO, The Democrat ones just make me laugh at how phony and deceitful they are.


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