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Saturday, November 08, 2014

The man who would not pivot

President Obama took to the podium today to inform the nation that he will change exactly nothing about how he does his job after a historic drubbing in the midterm elections. He will tout the same policies in the same ways, with no particular plan for how to get any of them passed, with no particular nevermind paid to how the politics have shifted tectonically beneath his feet, armed with nothing but his assertions of his rightness. Again.

Many of you will note that the president does pivot, often, back to the economy. As the economy—by his own admission today—has limped along without conferring upon the middle class any of the progress the president claims abounds, the president periodically announces that he’s pivoting. He wants to communicate he is concerned with the country’s top concern. So, he pivots— 19 times as of 2013, and I’m sure there are more since then. Again and again. But he doesn’t really pivot, does he? He says he’s pivoting. There’s no particular plan for how to get anything passed, no particular nevermind paid to what the political dynamic might allow him to do. There’s nothing but an assertion. That’s he’s pivoting.

And, today there wasn’t even that. Nor will there be. Dana Milbank, of all people, zeroes in on the disinterested nothingness Obama offered today and his constant avoidance of responsibility, as the message the American people sent went “in one presidential ear and out the other.” The whole thing is worth a read:



  1. When your at the top , only two ways to get down , fast and slow.
    His choice !

  2. My post gives insight/clarity to the depth of intellect regarding the Great Black Hope/Master. A news caster asked him this past wednesday night, now that republicans controlled the house and senate,how would that affect his policies? His reply, We'll have to learn to work together, which really meant, Now that I'm forced to work with them, I guess I'll have to? Then when posed with the second question, What does that mean Mr. President? The FREE World Leader gave these stately, all knowing Presidential words, I've gotta get some stuff done. : end quote That's Barry Sorento's true depth of intellect, when not reading pre scripted dialog or recited memorized words scripted/produced by other much more intelligent democratic thinkers. His truth shows that he's an old school dope smoking, self glorifying, skirt chaser, not a real leader of anything, let alone the World. Other foreigners behind the curtain, dictate everything that Barry says and what Barry told to think. That's his true core, his hidden depth of character, (he has no real character, he's an actor), at least not the scripted person presented for the gullible masses on TV every day. When it comes to his dismal intelligence the typical, everyday Democratic mantra is presented/substituted for the always, on cue, pontificating mouthpiece, Barry Sorento. Know that he's a faker, a snow job for dummy believers, intellectually on his par/his level of thought.

  3. Of course he won't/can't pivot.A pillar of salt would surely break if it pivoted.


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