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Friday, November 14, 2014

The Democrats Failed White Voters

The left isn’t known for being a good loser. The Democrats had counted on women to be their ace in the hole in the election. Now lefty media outlets are lashing out at women.

“White women didn’t just fail Wendy Davis — they failed the rest of Texas,” Salon bellows. That would be the rest of Texas which also voted against Davis. “Married white women… failed Wendy Davis,” another lefty site declares.

It never occurs to the left that Wendy Davis might have failed white women and that they might have rejected her because she had nothing to actually offer them.

In the left’s warped tyranny of ideology, their politicians don’t fail the people. The people fail them. Obama and Davis are always right. It’s up to the people to prove that they’re good enough for a Barack Obama or a Wendy Davis. If they are, the media will pat them on the head for voting the right way. If they aren’t, they’ll be blamed for thinking the wrong way and failing their rightful rulers.

East German authorities had warned that the government had “lost confidence in the people”. Now that white voters have lost confidence in the Democratic Party, the Party is announcing that they failed it.



  1. Why is it always the White people's fault? White people are the ones who started the USA! I would love to see this country and what shape it would be in right now, if it was only filled with illegals and Blacks! Oh wait the country would exist anymore because they would have already killed each other.

  2. The democrats failed this country. What the hell fairy tale land are they living in?!

  3. Their mad at WHITES because we have jobs and welfare depends on people who have a job and most lazy welfare receiving democrats didn't come out to vote. The ones with job, usually republicans came out in full force to vote!


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