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Saturday, November 29, 2014

The Coming Wave Of Anti-Abortion Laws

The big Republican gains in the November elections strengthened and enlarged the anti-abortion forces in the House and the Senate. But it’s the GOP victories in the statehouses and governor’s mansions that are priming the ground for another round of legal restrictions on abortion.

Arkansas, for instance, already has strict anti-abortion laws. But with a Republican governor succeeding a Democrat who had vetoed two measures that would have banned most abortions beyond a certain stage of pregnancy, lawmakers plan to seek more restrictions — such as barring doctors from administering abortion drugs through telemedicine. Republican gains in the West Virginia Legislature will redouble pressure on Democratic Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin to accept a ban on most abortions after 20 weeks, which he has previously deemed unconstitutional. And Tennessee voters approved a ballot initiative that removes a 15-year barrier to legislation limiting abortion legislation in that deeply conservative state.

Abortion rights advocates have had setbacks in the states for several years, with a surge of legislative activity since 2011. Women seeking abortions may face mandatory waiting periods or ultrasound requirements. Clinics may face stricter building codes or hospital admitting privilege rules they can’t satisfy. Dozens of clinics have shut down in multiple states. Texas, for instance, has fewer than 10 abortion clinics now. A year ago, it had 40. 


  1. abortion numbers have been declining for the past many years. the younger generation don't think abortion is the way to go. most believe the fetus is in fact a baby, not a blob of tissue. this is a good thing. respect for life, what a concept...

  2. The truth is winning here. The upcoming pro-life generation, raised to worry about baby seals and baby whales, aren't buying the lie that a a growing fetus inside the safety of his or her mother's womb isn't a baby human. The tide is turning as the screeching, militant feminists who have forgotten what being feminine means, and their male counterparts who have forgotten their manly instinct to protect life die off.


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