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Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Study Links Depression, Anxiety & Lethargy to Vitamin B12 Deficiency

Vitamin B12 - not SSRIs - brought suicidal woman back to stable mental state

A suicidal 52-year-old woman suffering from severe depression, anxiety, lethargy and catatonia did not vastly improve until doctors diagnosed her with a Vitamin B12 deficiency, according to a little known study.

The woman, who also suffered from perceptual disturbances such as “hearing” her name called out, was treated with antipsychotic and antidepressant medications for months with little effect, but once doctors began treating her with B12, she reverted to a stable mental state she hadn’t experienced in 14 years.

Vitamin B12 deficiency is a commonly overlooked cause of psychiatric morbidity,” the study entitledCatatonia and other psychiatric symptoms with vitamin B12 deficiency reported. “While many clinicians are aware of the neurological symptoms associated with it, many would be hard-pressed to discuss some of the psychiatric symptoms associated with vitamin B12 deficiency.”



  1. But what make everything seem funny? For the last 2 days I've been laughing at everything and I don't take drugs or drink.for those who don't know,Mike Tyson is now a stand up comedian.He merges the ups and downs of his life into his act and he is great.If anyone had ever told me that Mike could ever be funny I would have thought they were nuts.

  2. Can we send a truckload to Washington? God only knows it could help.


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