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Thursday, November 20, 2014

Obama vs. Us

Suppose you saw a person driving his car on the wrong side of a highway, against the traffic. Would you call him a stupid and/or incompetent driver?

You say, "Williams, what kind of question is that? Of course he's one or the other!" I'd say, "Hold your horses. What are his intentions?" If the driver's intentions are to cause highway calamity, one can hardly call his actions stupid or incompetent. Given his intentions, he is wisely acting in a manner to achieve his objectives.

This observation lies at the heart of my colleague Dr. Thomas Sowell's column last week, in which he says, "Pundits who depict Obama as a weak, lame duck president may be greatly misjudging him, as they have so often in the past." After suffering an elective trouncing at the polls, President Barack Obama issued Congress an ultimatum, saying that if it doesn't enact the kind of immigration law that he would like, he will unilaterally issue an executive order to change the nation's immigration laws. This threat, along with other abuses of his office, is not a sign of presidential stupidity or incompetence.

Obama is doing precisely what he promised during his 2008 presidential campaign, to cheering and mesmerized crowds: "We are going to fundamentally change America" and "We will change America. We will change the world."



  1. Obama's Immigaration bill will change the entire makeup of our country. It will be a country of liberals. The States need to take charge and close their borders to illegals. You no the Federal Goverment has no plans to control illegals. Its time the States take back this country!

  2. It's time for the border state governments to call out the National Guard and close their borders and deny tax funded benefits to illegal aliens, pre or post Obozo communist edict. The illegals can move to liberal states where the majority of people are willing to pay more of their taxes for another liberal cause.

  3. What do you think Liberal Maryland stands! Maryland is ranked in the top 5 Liberal states in the Nation. Mow thats sad.

  4. Obama is an evil muslim communist dictator with an agenda to desecrate the Constitution of the United States and to bring this [once] great country to its knees handing us over to our enemies. Get it? The satan-driven barbaric emperor hates America and is doing his duty to destroy her. And he is succeeding as planned.
    Right now is the time for our elected Republican leaders to unify and have this disgusting traitor arrested immediately for high crimes and treason against the United States of America. If they don't have the guts to do what the American people have just elected and trusted them to do, we are finished, we are going down! He must be stopped!


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