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Wednesday, November 05, 2014

Obama sued for changing Obamacare

Case charges president illegally flipped federal law 'upside down'

Major Garrett wrote in National Journal, “The Affordable Care Act means what it says and says what it means. Until it doesn’t.”

And the New York Times compiled a list of more than a dozen significant changes Barack Obama made to the law that was approved by Congress in just over a year, such as changing deadlines that had been set in the law and allowing insurers to reinstate plans that were canceled because of the law.

All of that could be the subject of a federal court hearing in Washington on Wednesday, where a lawsuit is pending that challenges as unlawful the executive orders Obama used to unilaterally change Obamacare, without any approval or endorsement from Congress, which wrote the law.

David Yerushalmi, senior counsel for the American Freedom Law Center, said, “In order to keep his broken promises and clean up the political mess he made, President Obama disregarded his constitutional duty to obey the law of the land and flipped Obamacare upside down without congressional approval.”


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