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Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Obama on Ferguson: America's Racist, Give Me More Power

On Monday night, after the media’s attempted racial assassination of Officer Darren Wilson shipwrecked on the rocky shoals of the criminal justice system, President Obama took to the podium to try to salvage their narrative of American racism. The media spent months portraying 18-year-old black man Michael Brown as a “gentle giant” victimized by cruel white racist Wilson, and by extension, charging America’s law enforcement establishment with the ultimate sin. Unwilling to let that narrative die, President Obama stepped forward – and in doing so, fueled the flames for future racial conflagrations.

Obama, of course, invested long ago in the notion that every incident involving a black victim and a white (or white Hispanic) shooter symbolizes America’s greater racial ills. There is no individual justice; there is only social justice. Darren Wilson and Michael Brown were not individuals; they were merely stand-ins for racial conflict. That’s why President Obama said that Trayvon Martin was like his fictional son; it’s why he told the United Nations that the situation in Ferguson demonstrated America’s failures. Every story fits into a narrative for President Obama.

Sadly for President Obama, the grand jury looked at the evidence – something Obama and his allies have never bothered to do – and decided that Obama would have to find a different symbol of racial injustice. But that didn’t faze Obama a bit. Striding to the podium, speaking off-teleprompter – which is when Obama truly says what he thinks, in all of its incoherent but radical glory – Obama explained that Wilson wasn’t reallyinnocent, that America could never be absolved of its past racial sins, and that the only solution was for him to be given more power.



  1. Three times the Obama and his staff have taken a stand in investigations of alleged racial crimes, and three times it has been proven that race wasn't a factor in the incident.

  2. Darren Wilson for President

  3. The key (truth) is in the evidence.

  4. Excellent editorial.
    Race-baiting is alive and well at the top.

  5. We need to hold victory demonstrations on Main Street.


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