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Monday, November 03, 2014

Obama May Have Been Elected With Illegal Votes

Foreign nationals illegally vote in federal elections in large numbers

A large number of non-citizens cast ballots in U.S. elections and it’s possible that the illegal votes were responsible for President Obama’s 2008 victory, according to an in-depth academic study that confirms Judicial Watch’s assessment that foreign nationals have helped Democrats steal elections.

Non-citizens tend to favor Democrats and Obama won more than 80% of the votes of non-citizens in the 2008 sample gathered by the Cooperative Congressional Election Study (CCES), a large-scale academic survey project operated by teams of researchers from across the country. In fact, enough ineligible voters cast ballots in 2008 to conceivably account for Democratic victories in a few close elections, CCES researchers found. A respected Ivy League professor is coordinator of the CCES which has produced national sample surveys, stratified by state and type of district, in every federal election since 2006. This allows the optimal study of congressional and state races as well as an ideal setting for understanding the relationship between the congressional and presidential elections.

The CCES is an esteemed and highly respected operation that recently published shocking information, gathered from big social science survey datasets, that supports Judicial Watch’s work in this area. In 2012 JW launched the Election Integrity Project, a widespread legal campaign to clean up voter registration rolls and support election integrity measures across the country. Our investigations immediately uncovered data that proved voter rolls in a number of states—including Mississippi, Iowa, Indiana, Missouri, Texas, Florida, California and Colorado—contained the names of individuals who are ineligible to vote.



  1. So whos going to jail? We know its happening ...what the hell being done about it?.this is grounds for firing squads

  2. Of course he was elected with illegal votes that is why Democrats are so much against voter ID. He stole the election from Romney with illegal and dead people voting for him. My father has been dead for fifteen years, He always was a Republican and voted the Republican ticket until he died then he became a voting Democrat.

  3. D'uuuuuuh.. Is this another NEW study??

  4. Good Lord, somebody just now got this thought in their brain?

    Who just woke up from a coma from 6 years ago?

    Hey, kids, here's a clue! We all thought this was true for the last 6 years!


    Where do these people come from, and WHY does the News Organizations even IMAGINE that this might be "News"?????

  5. Illegal votes for an ineligible candidate. ONLY IN AMERICA!


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