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Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Neutering Religious Holidays

Folks, our country is heading down a slippery slope. We have to stop it before it is too late.

We haven’t even hit Thanksgiving, and already the war on Christmas is underway. This time, one of the largest public school systems in the U.S. is eliminating every mention of religious holidays on its official calendar.

The Montgomery County Board of Education in Maryland has cut Christmas and Easter, as well as Yom Kippur and Rosh Hashana, from next year’s school calendar. No religious holiday will be mentioned by name.

NPR reported on the origin of the decision: “The path to the board’s decision started about two years ago on something that was somewhat unrelated. Members of the county’s Muslim community — roughly estimated at around 10 percent of the more than 1 million population — were seeking to have two of their religion’s holy days added to the calendar of days off. They wanted Eid al-Adha the most.”

Instead of adopting new religious days for Muslims, however, the board approved the removal of all Christian and Jewish religious holiday references by a 7-1 vote. The students will continue to get the same religious days off, but there will be generic references to them, such as “winter break.” Board members have even gone so far as to reinterpret the historical recognition of the holidays by saying that the days off are not meant to observe those religious holidays.

The board’s president, Phil Kauffman, explained, “The best way to accommodate the diversity of our community is to not make choices about which communities we’re going to respect in our calendar and which ones we’re not going to respect.”



  1. There's a REASON for every holiday, and our Society needs to have a good REASON for everything we do. Just as there are REASONS that we obey other laws, drive to certain places, choose our careers, walk our walks.

    Why would anyone do anything for no reason?

    Name the holidays, and send the Muslims back to the Middle East.

    For the REASON that they want to kill us. This is not a "Holiday" spirit to me.

  2. This is happening because of the Christian agenda to force their beliefs on the public.
    They will push until the others have legal force to demand recognition.
    Better to remove the incentive than to give them equal footing.

  3. Not every Christian celebrates Christmas. Research its roots. Knowledge is power. Don't fear uncovering the truth.


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