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Sunday, November 30, 2014

Montgomery Co. Considers Ban On E-Cigarettes

WASHINGTON - Vape. The word has become so prevalent that the Oxford English Dictionary included it among new entries this year.

To vape is to use an e-cigarette, which emits vapor, not smoke. And while you're free to say the word all you want, you may be banned from doing it in Montgomery County.

A proposal to ban vaping or using e-cigarettes in public has been introduced before the Montgomery County Council.

According to the bill submitted in a packet to the council on Tuesday, the bill would:

  • prohibit the use of electronic cigarettes in public places where traditional tobacco smoking is prohibited
  • restrict the sale of certain liquid nicotine or liquid nicotine containers in retail outlets unless the nicotine is in a container considered child-resistant packaging
  • prohibit the sale of electronic cigarettes in any place that is accessible to buyers of the product without the intervention of the seller (similar to tobacco products)


  1. while they are at it perhaps they should consider banning democrats.

  2. Why can't these people find something to do instead of trying to regulate everything.

  3. That is it, ban something that you know nothing about and poses no known health risks. They would ban stupidity if they could get a quorum.

  4. This sort of legislation only shows that 'tobacco abuse' isn't what these liberals really want to control. It's your rights that they want to control. They want to tell you how to look and how to live your life.
    Now you tell me what TF does water vapor have to to with tobacco smoke...? Other then it 'looks like' you're smoking a cigarette. It's a GD joke., makes a mockery of common sense.
    It's just more control and less freedom.

  5. Ok then, no more boiling a pot of water on your stove or steaming crabs. And while your at it why not shut down all the cooling towers at power plants. How bout we just tell these morons to kiss our collective asses.

  6. Follow the money. Tobacco moguls paying off politicians. It's as simple as that.

  7. This is absolutely insane.
    Up until 2 years ago (23 months and two days to be exact) I was a two pack a day smoker for over 20 years. I was ONLY able to quit tobacco when introduced to my e-cigs, and still to this day have quit.
    My breath is back and my home and clothes don't wreak any longer.
    E-Cigs are the best smoking cessation items ever on the market. Isn't that the goal of the anti-smokers?
    I've been told that if the companies that make the vapor "cigarettes" advertised them as a smoking cessation product, it would come under the aegis of a whole slew of government offices, and would be taken off the market for a minimum of two years while government testing is done.
    Big tobacco has invested BIG in e-cigs, so it's NOT a financial situation.
    It is nothing more than intrusive liberals forcing their beliefs on another individual. This is the group that says a whiff of tobacco aroma emanating from a block away on the beach is destroying their lungs - and jeopardizing their kids, of course (gotta throw the "save the children" thing in there!)

  8. 4:51 PM you are full of crap.

    I hope Wicomico County bans them. I have to walk through that crap in the mall while trying to shop and spend good money. They have that kiosk ran by them Muslims that try to force themselves on you and they are annoying and harrassing.

  9. To 3:20 AM:
    PLEASE tell me what in the hell bothers you about someone using an e-cig? (Except for the fact that Muslims are selling them.)

  10. I'd like to hear that, too. I wonder if 3:20A.M. would feel better if the e-cigarette did not emit the "smoke", which is actually simply water vapor - exactly the same stuff that you breathe out when it's cold outside.


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