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Sunday, November 30, 2014

Mike Brown's Mom Reacts: You Motherf*%ckers Think This is a Joke



  1. no she is a joke, her son was a freaking loser and a thug. He thought he could attack the police, got shot. Is dead... Its done, justice served. No get off your asses and go back to work .

  2. 3:44 I doubt many of those pictured there work. They demand respect and act like this. Its mostly because they are uneducated, lazy and on welfare. These actions are trying to destroy race relations. Her son ended up dead because she and her ex-con husband failed as parents.

  3. I'm getting a little emotional here watching this video...
    Especially around this Thanksgiving season, Mike Brown's mom reminds me so much of my late mom, memories of her standing over a hot stove in her apron; calling into the living room for someone to volunteer some assistance with the dinner; asking if anyone needs anything to make them more comfortable...
    The video really brought back some memories of mom.

  4. Perhaps justice hasn't been done. Michael Brown stole from a store and assaulted a police officer. Maybe we should have a trial. Isn't that what happens to thugs?

  5. You all some sad pos. If defenseless old people, babies and dogs are not safe from kops what makes you think you are? Wilson got his revenge for being punched by killing Brown, who was running away so the threat to the kop was gone.

    Why don't some of you shoot and kill someone running away from you and see if you go to prison or not. But most of you think badges grant extra rights, which they do not.

    Just reading the first two posts, which many more similar ones are to follow I am quite sure, is telling of where your mindsets are.

    You haven't learned a damn thing.

    1. 4:54

      You just another person perpetuating non truths and ignorance. It has been proven by the medicAl examiner that he was never shot in the back....so how war he shot when running away? And if you're going to use slang terms atleast spell them correctly...its Cops...not Kops. My auto correct didn't even want me to spell it like you did. Maybe he didn't deserve to die, but his lack of respect for people and especially the police is the end reason why he did. You cannot assault a police officer just because that officer my be being mean to you or has spoken to you in a disrespectful manner. When will people start to have accountability and stop pulling the race card. This event was escalated by BROWN when he decided to approach the police car in a threatening manner and assault the officer. Enough with the easy popular escape goat of race and police brutality.

      And then rioting and looting??? Really, how do you brown supporters think this remotely is considered protesting? Ridiculous and confirming to everyone else how little they actually care about the situation and issues. Just another reason to get free stuff.

      In summary, know the facts (scientific evidence) and stop using arguments that are proven untrue!

  6. Truth is; his parents were the garbage that created him. They created the thug that thought a strong arm robbery, followed by a fist fight with a police officer was a good idea.

  7. I understand regardless of our thoughts that one stillborn their child's death but the civil unrest, rioting and looting is not indicative of civilized people. Should we act out everything something goes as we expect? Blacks will Gianni sympathy from this event and the race relation will once again be decided based on where you stand on this issue. Grand juries and the judicial system we have in now a joke. All eyes upon us for how we handle this situation.

  8. Raise an animal and she's shocked he died like the fool he was...He was born to a fool!

  9. Was she referring to the looters???

  10. 454 you are a moron. Apparently you can't read otherwise you would have come across the thousands of pages of evidence that was released.

  11. I wonder if that's how she acted when she went to the U.N.?
    "Ain't nobody had to go through what I gone through..."
    Yep. No soldier's mom has, no one else's mom ever had to go to the morgue before she did, poor thing.
    I suppose taking off work from her two job's while the stepfather kept the house clean was pretty stressful.
    4:31.....nice.....many of us can remember Mom yelling from the kitchen "which one of you MFer's been drinkin' my beer? Well!!??"
    Dad putting some new logs on the fire, his 9mm hanging out of his waistband, wondering out loud "when is that little SOB coming back wit my cigars?"
    The next time you hear some wanna-be gangsta talkin' 'bout "the thug life", remind him of how thugs end up --- dead or in prison. Preferably dead.
    The thug life. Makes a family proud.

  12. I will not watch any news concerning this crap. Hope it dies down after a few days

  13. Bottom Line...6 black eye witnesses testified for the policeman and said the policeman was being rushed and attacked by Brown. The policeman was defending himself. The physical evidence and the professionals that testified regarding the evidence said the policeman was defending himself against an aggressor. The 12 impaneled jury members (9 white and 3 black) saw and heard all this testimony and evidence for 3 months and decided not to indict. There were 5 categories of criminal intent the jurors could have chosen and they again; only chose to not indict. Truth, what a concept...

  14. I have no problem with her expressing her grief and pain in public. It's her right to do so under our laws.

    I do, however, have an issue with people using her grief and pain to justify violence, arson, theft, assault, destruction of property...etc. etc.

    I pray that the PD does the same thing they did in NO after Katrina. Get the video footage. Get the names. PROSECUTE.

  15. 4:45 You are one ignorant POS-I repeat one ignorant POS and the only thing that is sad is that ignoramuses like you exist.
    All the evidence and the witness testimony proved the terrorist Brown was running-I repeat because you ignoramuses need the truth rammed down your throats-Brown was running toward the officer. He ran to within 8-10 feet to the cop and was then shot in the top of the head which he well deserved.


  17. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    454 you are a moron. Apparently you can't read otherwise you would have come across the thousands of pages of evidence that was released.

    November 25, 2014 at 5:58 PM

    I have probably read more than you, in fact I am quite sure I have.

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    4:45 You are one ignorant POS-I repeat one ignorant POS and the only thing that is sad is that ignoramuses like you exist.
    All the evidence and the witness testimony proved the terrorist Brown was running-I repeat because you ignoramuses need the truth rammed down your throats-Brown was running toward the officer. He ran to within 8-10 feet to the cop and was then shot in the top of the head which he well deserved.

    November 25, 2014 at 7:12 PM

    And before that he was running-I repeat running- AWAY from Wilson. The same kop who said he felt like a 5 year old grabbing onto Hulk Hogan.

    He's the biggest 6ft 4in 210lb 5 year old I have ever seen. If he was so scared for his life why would he pursue such a powerful 'demon' alone? To protect who? And from what? A box of cigar stealing 18yo? Unarmed at that.

    He got punched in the face and got one or two red marks on his face. boo freaking hoo. But he got his revenge. Just one of the thousand people kops kill every year.

    There is a larger issue here that you pos' refuse to acknowledge, or are too stupid to see. Maybe both. Your responses did not surprise me, I expected them and I know they won't stop. Either from you or others like you.

    Your brains and hearts just won't allow you to see outside of your own little prejudiced and hatefilled worlds.

  18. He was a young man and made a bad decesion. That cop did not have the right to be the judge jury and excusitioner. At the wrong spot at the wrong time . So what he stole some items it's not right but he did not deserve to die! And no matter how he was raised weather his parents are good people or bad had nothing to do with him. They were not in the store when he stole what he stole . Like there are good parents out here who's kids go and shoot schools up. Please think before u speek. No matter what color he was black white tan or orange for that matter he had a right to be tried in a court of his peers

  19. Hate full . GOD DONT LIKE UGLY

  20. FYI 8:06 it is a cops job to pursue criminals.
    If in fact you have read any of the evidence it is clear that it's above you level of understanding.
    The ONLY issue here is that Brown was a criminal. He had just committed a crime. He was the POS and if you had been raised by proper parents yourself who taught you right from wrong, you would not ever ever be making up excuses for a no good criminal.
    Yes I do have hate toward Brown just as I have hate towards anyone who is destroying and sucking the life out of neighborhoods by committing crimes. I'm glad he is dead and I have no sympathy for his parents esp that foul mouthed "mother." She's not fit to breath the same air as decent people. And the ex con step "father." It will be a good day when we hear he's 6 ft under. Telling all to burn the city-nice isn't it.
    Bottom line Brown would still be alive if HE hadn't broken a law that day-he and he alone is responsible for his own death. No one else.

  21. Yeah he was running away at one point 8:06 and he should have kept on running and he'd be alive today but anyway---- That doesn't matter. What matters is that, he stopped running, turned around and came running back towards the officer and was 8 to 10 ft away from him when he was shot. Blood trail AND witnesses (black I might add) proved this.

  22. Hope so....cause I'm laughing my ass off.

  23. 9:23 PM

    Yours is just another in the list of comments that I knew would be coming. Void of any critical thinking or views of your own, just repeating what has been laid out before you.

    It's ok, I understand. Even if someone were successful in changing your minds it would do no good if your hearts were not changed with also.

    I know how most feel and think around here. It's been inbred and taught to them for generations. I expect no miracle to happen overnight.

    All people like me can do is try to show an alternative way to think and feel. All an honest person has to do is open their eyes and look around and they would realise their current ways of thinking and feeling are not working and have not worked for quite some time.

    The key word is honest and that in itself is a tough hurdle to overcome for many. Good luck to all.

    1. I feel like your post should be directed at you. You refuse to acknowledge a grand jury's decision that was based on evidence and not months of fallacy that was all over social media and the news. So much so that you still believe these false portrayals to be true. ... amazing! ?

  24. 9:08-He did more than steal. When stopped by the officer he tried to steal the officers gun and got shot. He then ran. Officer ran after him yelling for him to stop. He did stop-for a moment. Then he charged at the officer and was shot 8 to 10 feet away from the officer. It was a clear case of self defense.
    I've been reading through the grand jury documents. What's interesting is that Brown was under the influence of marijuana. Enough THC detected in the blood to say he was impaired.

  25. 9:08 He did deserve to die because he a thief, liar and dumber than a brick with no discipline.

  26. Almost all of the buildings the terrorists burned were minority-owned (and they wonder why major grocery chains, etc. won't build in the ghetto areas).

    I listened to an elderly black lady talking with a reporter as they watched a grocery store burn, and I felt so sorry for her. She said 'now they burned my food store. I don't drive or have a car. I shopped there for years. I walked to that store and shopped there for years. He gave me credit. Now it's gone."

    Nice going terrorists!

  27. November 25, 2014 at 8:06 PM
    What have you been reading. Was it the onion with fake stories. You act like you read the stories but you must have not since the 5 year old cop not kop who you say is the 6ft 4in 210 lbs since the last time I checked the cop wasn't 6ft 4in the thug was and not only that he was a pound short of 300 lbs. Also did you ever look at both their ages the media described teenager was 18 years old at the incident and I am pretty sure no one would call a 18 year old a teenager.

  28. 11:14
    The ages between 13 and 19 are considered teens. So yes eighTEEN is a teenager.

  29. The prosecutor did a thorough job. He even allowed the "eye" witnesses who were blatantly lying to testify before the grand jury (something unheard of but appropriate) which allowed the jurors to determine their credibility. Some eventually even admitted to out and out lying or admitted they had just heard the particular story they were relating to the jurors.

    The problem seems to be a skewed belief in what justice means. It doesn't always mean everyone will be satisfied with the outcome and that needs to be accepted in order for a society to remain civil.
    I think too a major difficulty within the African American communities is honesty, more the lack of honesty. Honesty should and needs to be highly valued.
    When honesty, which is the foundation of a civil society isn't valued and stressed the society becomes chaotic and that's is what is wrong in black communities and why they are havens from not only crime but poverty.
    6 or 7 of the witnesses who are black and testified and were found to be credible by the jurors, are being dismissed for being honest only because it doesn't fit the narrative and the agenda. This lack of the value of honesty is a major character flaw found within black communities.

  30. The prosecutor let the person who was the target of the grand jury inquiry testify in his own defense! Ask Matt how many defendants HE lets appear before the grand jury to give their side....ZERO. Its not done. Except in Ferguson, with a cop at the center of controversy.
    The whole process was designed to exonerate the officer.
    And for the record, when you grab a cop, or attempt to take his weapon (!!), you take the very real chance something bad will happen to you. EVERYONE knows that.
    He ain't a civil rights icon or symbol. He's NOT the poster child for police violence (the protesters should have picked a better example of that --- there are hundreds), but merely a thug. Who died a thug death.

  31. Well she is a joke. Shows up to meet the un sporting her clown like red hair did.

  32. These low-life black animals do not and will not rob,hurt kill or make life dangerous for the decent citizen. They will be tried and caged for life. Resistance may be met with death from the police.Police have to protect themselves. End of story.

  33. "lmclain said...
    The prosecutor let the person who was the target of the grand jury inquiry testify in his own defense! Ask Matt how many defendants HE lets appear before the grand jury to give their side....ZERO. Its not done. Except in Ferguson, with a cop at the center of controversy"

    WRONG! It is so "done."
    FYI- It's the "target"'s decision AND if the "target" is denied THE RIGHT, the "target" may bring a motion to dismiss the indictment.
    The "target" may waive THE RIGHT to testify, but it's NOT the prosecutor's decision!
    GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT before spouting such nonsense.

  34. lmclain I suggest you read the transcripts that are online. By no one's stretch of the imagination was "the whole process was designed to exonerate the officer"-the ONLY thing and I repeat the ONLY thing that was done that is usually "not done" was that the prosecutor allowed in ALL the evidence, more specifically evidence NOT favorable to the officer.

  35. This is pure entertainment.Reality TV at it's best,and the networks are getting her for free! She's a cash cow.

  36. To 9:08 PM
    "...he had a right to be tried in a court of his peers." ???
    Try to find twelve 'peers' of his who would be eligible to serve on a jury...Good luck with that!

  37. Al Sharptown must be her Daddy

  38. If the prosecutor was looking to not indict the officer, evidence unfavorable to the officer wouldn't have been presented and it was. Usually what happens is just enough evidence is presented to grand jurors to show probable cause exists, so only evidence unfavorable to the target is presented. In this case all the evidence was brought before the grand jurors. What you hardly ever see, is such a thorough and fair, proceeding.
    The decision to testify is the target's and they are the only one who can waive the right.

  39. These people are nauseating. They knew the decision before the public was even informed a decision had been reached. But in typical ghetto fashion these liars had to trot their a$$es out in the public arena and show their a$$es.

  40. 8:35 to add to your post, not 1 but 3 medical examiners came to the same conclusions about the wounds. One from the state who did the initial autopsy, Dr Michael Baden hired by the family and a pathologist from the Dept of the Navy, for the Justice Dept.

  41. I've been reading the transcripts. One lady was yelling to Brown to "lay yo ass down" according to one of the eye witness testimony I have read so far. All the eye witnesses that I have read their testimony, that back the cop's story, are sympathetic to Brown, one lady even calling him "that child", "that baby."

  42. She be sportin dem cheep sunglasses an it aint even sunny outsides.

  43. She is upset that she lost her source of free cigars for her blunt habit.

  44. Louis Head is the stepfather. Gang member with lengthy criminal record which can be found at Your Missouri Courts.
    This is where "teenager" Michael Brown got his inspiration from.
    If anyone failed him and is to blame for his death it is his "mother" who in not a mother in any sense of the word. She's a POS who doesn't deserve to breath the same air as the LE members who risk their lives for her unfortunately every day.
    Not to mention the way the lies flow out of the mouth of this very evil wicked sinful trash.

  45. Two schools of thought that no one will change, those that see a poor black kid getting shot and justifying his innocence by any means possible and then those who look at the evidence and use logical thinking and determined that Wilson shooting was justified. Neither side is going to give so the arguments will continue, but the rioting, looting and burning by Ferguson's population did nothing more than reinforce America's stereotyping of the black community,not fair but reality.just keep in mind when OJ who was guilty as sin got off, how many protest or riots took place. Reality is sometimes prescription.

  46. LOL-and we are supposed to look at these people "as equals." That will be the day. First of all I don't do foul mouths period. Secondly I don't relate nor will I ever or do I want to relate to the sub culture that can't even be bothered to wear their pants the way they are supposed to be worn. We all know they are trying to emulate the gangsta persona. Not my type of person and I don't consider them equals. I have higher standards and goals.
    I don't even want to go into the difficulty and refusal of these people tend to have with learning the English language properly.

  47. It's funny she is on 'stage' as the guest speaker, but she is so ignorant and lacks intelligence that she is constantly at a loss for words that she has to curse and mumble just a few words that make no sense. That is their culture and we are supposed to bend over backwards for them in order to fulfill the achievement gap!

  48. MIchael Brown's shorts were falling off of him too. The eye witness statement's I've read all speak of how he had to keep pulling his shorts up.
    Maybe when he started to run away he figured out he isn't going to get very far with his shorts constantly coming down and the cop would get him. This is maybe what caused him to turn around and charge at the cop knowing he couldn't get away.
    The death pictures online are classic. Brown's laying they with his shorts down past his butt for all the world to see. It's very symbolic of the ghetto culture Brown was a part of.

  49. Bottom line is she is a failure as someone who contributes to society, a person, and mostly a mother. I'd be willing to bet that she never finished school and lives on taxpayers handouts. By her own choosing she is a slave of the Democrats.

  50. I am sure the welfare office was not burned down.

  51. These people are domestic terrorists. They are Usama bin Laden and ISIS.
    I can not relate to them in any way or do I feel even the slightest bit of sympathy for them. They are enjoying this circus they have helped create. They don't care one bit about the death no more than they cared about the guy in life otherwise he wouldn't be going around robbing stores. You can see the big smile on the step father's face at one point in this video. These are some very bad people so it's not hard to figure the son was no good too.

  52. Thank you, 132! I would probably be betting with you on that!

    And, 437, Yes. Totally agree.


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