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Tuesday, November 04, 2014

Michelle Obama's school lunch rules have resulted in MORE processed foods and smaller portions, says student organizing boycott

A Wisconsin high school student is leading a boycott of school lunches to protest new nutrition rules and calorie limits that she says are leaving her classmates still hungry.

Meghan Hellrood of D.C. Everest High School in Weston, Wisconsin, is the latest student to take on the new school lunch regulations championed by First Lady Michelle Obama.

'We have calorie regulations now on our lunches, so students cannot take as much food as they used to be able to, but the whole Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act put restrictions on calories. The whole point of it was to get healthier foods, but instead of healthier foods, we’re getting smaller portions of more processed foods,' she told WSAU radio.

School cafeteria staff are even required to limit access to barbecue sauce and mayonnaise packets, she says. Students are only allowed to take one sauce packet because use more could exceed the 850 calorie lunch limit imposed by the federal law.

Miss Hellrood has launched a movement at her school to encourage all students at her school to bring a bag lunch on November 13 and refuse to pay for school lunch.

She has also organized an effort to make sandwiches for the students who receive free or reduced lunches.



  1. I don't recall a federal law that limits calories for school lunches.

  2. How much weight has Mooochel put on since living in OUR HOUSE?


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