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Tuesday, November 04, 2014

Michelle Obama Travels To Baltimore To Make Final Push For Brown

Democratic heavyweights headlined by first lady Michelle Obama turned out in Baltimore Monday afternoon in a get-out-the-vote push for Anthony Brown's gubernatorial campaign.

Brown only offered brief remarks in an event at the War Memorial Building on North Gay Street that included comments from many of the state's other political leaders. Members of Maryland's congressional delegation and Gov. Martin O'Malley were on hand. City Council President Bernard C. "Jack" Young and Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake were also among those calling for votes for Brown.

When Brown did speak, he touched on several business-related talking points. They included the goal of making Maryland a place where residents can start a business and creating jobs. Brown also hit on the points of public safety, citing falling crime rates, and education, including early childhood education.



  1. Another reason not to vote for him.

  2. Her showing up would make me vote for Hogan!

  3. Why did she not come to the shore ?? lol Poor people and minorities hvae been voting democrat for sixty years. Guess what they are all still poor. They made them crabs in a basket. No one will let no one up.

  4. I hear 1:10 time for change the Dems have lied to us all long enough. I pulled republican all the way. I used to vote split ticket. I just can not do it anymore. Anyone else realize the Klan was started by Democrats. Martin Luther was a Republican. Wake up people.


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