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Saturday, November 29, 2014

Mayor Delivers Audit to Council Earlier Than Last Year

Mayor James Ireton, Jr., is pleased to announce that the preliminary Audit Report, prepared by Barbacane, Thornton & Company LLP, is being presented to the City Council a day earlier than last year.

Keith Cordrey, Director of Internal Services, said the City of Salisbury is in a strong financial position.  A few indicators below provide evidence of the positive results:

-          General Fund unassigned surplus is over 8 million.

-          The use of surplus in FY14 was less than budgeted.

-          All departments came in under budget.

-          Water Sewer fund unrestricted surplus is over 7 million.

Pam Baker of Barbacane Thornton reported, “Every year for the last 4 years the audit has gone smoother due to improvements in staff preparation, and audit team planning and responsiveness.”

Mayor Ireton said, “Once again, we continue to get the fiscal work of the City completed in a much faster fashion. Mr. Cordrey reports that we are in sound financial shape in both the General Fund and the Water & Sewer Fund.  With this audit complete, I will begin the FY16 budget processes.  In the past 5 years we have been able to expedite completion of this fiscal document by two full months.  I am proud to be able to say to our taxpayers that we continue to improve.”

The draft audit is under final review by Barbacane Thornton and city staff.  The final audit is scheduled to be submitted Monday, December 8th.


  1. So the water sewer fund has a 7 million surplus and they want a rain tax for storm water?


  3. I don't think there is a water and sewer surplus as the plant has to be rebuilt so watch for this one later. Why are the rates so high if truly a surplus?

  4. If there is a surplus, why create another tax (rain tax)? Because that is what democrats do best, tax and fee.

  5. Oh such transparency. You can tell he is sucking up for something.

    Why do we tax payers need to pay for a PIO like Chris Demone to send out press releases. I certainly believe any of the secretaries or wannabe City Administrator Tom Stevenson could certainly send out City emails.

  6. When you have any surplus in the millions it's obvious that the city or any government jurisdiction is raping the tax payers.

  7. If there is 8 mil surplus in the general fund then why are the streets in Salisbury in such a mess.

  8. The Aita lawsuits should make that a negative number, just sayin'...

  9. Just numbers on a page. I'm sure there is enough to pay off the auditors to go along with it. Fire dept is always over budget, you mean to tell me they came in under budget this year? I call BS. I'm sure babs duncan is skimming off the top as well. It's only a matter of time.


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