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Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Imam insulted Christians, Jews in National Cathedral

Islam is hard-wired with a “conquering” mentality that dates back to its earliest days, says a noted author, and that mentality was on display Friday at the Washington National Cathedral.

Even in a service billed as a symbolic olive branch to Christianity, celebrated inside an iconic church, Islam’s air of supremacy could not help but leak out, says Dr. Andrew Bostom, author of several books on Islam including “The Legacy of Jihad: Islamic Holy War and the Fate of Non-Muslims” in 2005 and “The Legacy of Islamic Antisemitism: From Sacred Texts to Solemn History” in 2008.

Not that anyone in the Episcopal cathedral cared to notice.

“After viewing Friday’s ostensible exercise in ‘ecumenism’ at the National Cathedral, it is impossible for me to discern whether the Christian event organizers are more ethically, or intellectually cretinous,” writes Bostom in his blog at AndrewBostom.org.


  1. Satan lives in the universal church ...national catherdal ...muslims ... satan... all same in my book ...

  2. And where is the person from when this article was up a few days ago who stated they were Muslim and Christian and that it was quite possible for them to be both! Yeah, right!
    Again I'll say they didn't belong there.

  3. It would appear Gods chosen feels excluded.


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