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Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Feminist Author Says Don’t Prosecute Football Players For Any Sexual Assault Because They Are All Black

Sometimes I read something that is so incredibly stupid, it makes my eyes bleed – this is one of those times. I don’t give a crap what color they are. These boys knowingly and deliberately sexually assaulted and hazed another boy. Don’t do the crime, if you can’t do the time. To let them off due to race is the height of lawlessness. Throw the damned book at them and let it serve as a warning to others that this type of barbaric, animalistic behavior will be subject to the full extent of the law and punishment will follow appropriately.

If it’s true that all seven of the football players arrested for hazing in the Sayreville, New Jersey, War Memorial High School locker roomare students of color, that is one more reason not to prosecute them as sexual felons.

I don’t mean not to prosecute them in adult court. I mean not to prosecute them at all.

If they’re guilty, they should be disciplined by the school, kicked off the Bombers team, and held accountable to their victims by making amends in words and deeds.

But the punishment the state will mete out far outweighs the transgression. For kids who are 15 to 17 years old, it will be life crushing.



  1. Prosecute all of them to the fullest extent of the law, make an example of them. Kids look up to these criminals.

  2. The Law sees no Color...

  3. For the kid they did this to, it has already been life crushing I am sure. Prosecute them as adults.

  4. This is the age they need to be slammed down hard for even considering this type of hazing.


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