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Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Federal Charges Filed Against Accused Kidnapper

Federal authorities have filed their own charges against a man accused of kidnapping and raping a Baltimore County girl.

Victor Arroyo could get 10 years to life in prison if convicted federally on charges of transportation of a minor.

Authorities allege he kidnapped the girl last Tuesday in Baltimore County and drove her to his home in Raleigh, North Carolina and raped her.



  1. The very last thing this story says is.......His legal troubles don't end there. Federal immigration authorities have accused him of re-entering the U-S illegally after he had been deported.

    Let's keep that border unsecured!

  2. My Question is WHAT type of charges are being placed against her parents as it seems there is a lot of issues at that home and a nasty divorce and no father like figure in home and she is and has been looking for a father type figure and will continue to do till she finds one and along the way many lives will be affected by poor parenting and then next thing we know we will have another case like on the eastern shore where a child was raped and killed. This was a early warning sign and I hope for the child that d.s.s. will get involved and help the family before the child becomes a victim of another screwed up family. Major question is WHY is this suspect even in the country after being arrested before for assault ?? Makes you wonder if they really want to protect the children or is it all just smoke and mirrors for votes ??

  3. And then the parent is yelling WHY the school did not contact them earlier about why their daughter was not in school. Another Parent who seems not to want to be a parent and want the Government to raise and protect their child when it needs to start at home first as hell the government can't run this state or our country so how the hell will they be able to protect your children if you don't take the first steps in being a parent.

  4. Let him move in with ERIC HOLDER.

  5. I agree mack, it does all start at home. The problem is political correctness dictates that the blame isn't placed w/the useless baby machines. It's a liberal/democrat thing-let's not address the real problem with them. They don't care if a handful of children get raped and/or murdered as long as they don't offend any voter base.

  6. The Feds intervened so that Eric Holder and company could protect him.

  7. One of Obama's "the best and the brightest".


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