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Wednesday, November 05, 2014

Dan Bongino Outlines When He’ll Concede — Before Doing Something You’ve Probably Never Heard a Politician Do

Maryland congressional candidate Dan Bongino (R) is down roughly 2,000 votes in the race against John Delaney (D) in the 2014 midterm elections, and says he is waiting to concede until the remaining absentee ballots are counted.

“There’s 6,000 outstanding ballots. We’re only down by about 2,000. A lot of them are military. So there’s still a shot, however small it may be,” Bongino said, speaking in his first interview since the ballots were counted on TheBlaze Radio’s Pat and Stu Wednesday.

“Is there a recount in the future do you think, Dan?” co-host Stu Burguiere asked. “Especially if it closes at all?”

Bongino, a former Secret Service agent, said he didn’t want to “spin anybody’s wheels” with boastful talk of certain victory. Officials will begin counting absentee ballots on Thursday, and he said they will see how it shakes out.


1 comment:

  1. With all the crooked ballot booths giving Democrats the edge, I'd say he's right, prudent to wait and see. Here's an example of wrong at the polls, good or bad? My parents 86 and 87 voted tuesday in lower Delaware. Mom wanted to write in for the sheriff Jeff Christopher. The poll people did all they could, so she said, trying to stop her by not helping nor telling her how to make it happen. She got mad and raised hell until they finally did, meanwhile my dad voted, probably trying to distance himself from angry old woman, but when he finished, he too had been trying to vote for Christopher, while behind the curtain, then the polling person took him to voting booth number two and pop, being the die hard Republican he is, voted again, still without getting to write in for Christopher. This is the story that they told me last night and yes what pop did was wrong, but he and mom are die hard Republicans and collectively they cast 3 votes, I'll assume mostly, if not all were Republican. Mom finally got her write in, pop did not, I think? Point being, if this can happen at a polling place once, how many other times does it happen? My ticket cast was top to bottom straight Republican and will be the same come 2016. My hopes lie with ultra conservatism, the Tea Party Republicans. The Tea Parties conservative stance is the singular hope for long term positive change in our economy.


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